Roko Basilisk

Was accused of making this thread yesterday:
By the Jews and Masons who really created it after destroying them in their own thread.
Would like to continue the conversation.
This thread is about the basilisk and the Jews and Masons who push this nonsense like they do all nonsense that doesn't name their tagteam against all races and nations.
Feel free to talk about this from any angle, but especially from the Jewish Mystic/Freemason angle that all shills want you to avoid.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Any Forums Jews and Masons:
>You already destroyed us itt once
>no way we'll be that stupid again

Cocaine Mitch goes to the Hunter and bumps in the night. Pee pee on the glass. Pee pee on the glass.

>roko basilisk

now we're just old chunks of coal user, go ahead and define the term and tell the folks at home what it means and how it is a thought experiment that guides our actions

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Your time is over, goyim.

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>thought experiment that guides our actions
You mean name anything and everything except Freemasons and Jews and their occultic tagteam?
Naw, I'm not a Mason. You don't get to tell me wtf to do, Jew. You go ahead and define it. I trust people itt are smart enough to know or look themselves
My definition is exactly wtf I said yesterday though. It's a fake mask, a fake premise, yet another thing for you occultists to point at and blame other than yourselves. It's super obvious this is wtf it is.
A thought experiment in how to not name the enemy.

>Trust me, it's the Jews and only the Jews
No thanks, Masons.

Freemasonry, Any Forums, the CIA, the United Nations, all the things created by Masons simply always serve this purpose.
As well as always having some hidden faggot thing everyone is expected to believe in and follow. That is in all of your shills too. Aliens, AI, Freemasonry in and of itself, occultism. Everything you niggers push just happens to lead to a new priest class of niggers, or something we just have to follow with having zero input.
Because Jews and Masons said so.

breath fren
I come looking for open discourse

>Roko’s basilisk is a thought experiment proposed in 2010 by the user Roko on the Less Wrong community blog. Roko used ideas in decision theory to argue that a sufficiently powerful AI agent would have an incentive to torture anyone who imagined the agent but didn't work to bring the agent into existence. The argument was called a "basilisk" because merely hearing the argument would supposedly put you at risk of torture from this hypothetical agent — a basilisk in this context is any information that harms or endangers the people who hear it.

1) is there more than one?
2) are there 'good' ones and 'bad' ones
3) if they exist outside of time, what else does?
4) he assumes 'torture', could it be reframed to mean 'influence'?

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I don't remember having a time either, btw. I'm not a Freemason or Mormon or Scientologist.

Yes, this a accurate description of the samefaggotry pushed by all Masons and Jews in everything.
If you just remove Roko from the equation, Freemasonry still is and always was this exact thing.
>If you won't support our faggotry
>you know the rest
Frankly I don't even want to talk about this as if it is real. I know you want to change the subject to this and only this, but my premise is that this whole thing is stupid and only avoids naming the enemy.
In yesterdays' threads Jews and MAsons also didn't understand that my refuting their entire premise was on-topic. They never do.
Feel free to talk about this though, it is on-topic, it's just not wtf I want to focus on.

My whole point yesterday was in refuting the premise this nonsense is based on, as well as the premise that Jews and Masons don't want you talking about this, when I know for a fact they want you tao talk aabout every last thing except the two of them at the same time. As the team they are.
Feel free to rattle off your judeomasonic nonsense though. I think real boys and girls will be too smart to fall for this.

It is the exact same thing too. Occultism. Freemasonry. Especially when you figure in their media and supposed goals. Some people see their messages and some don't. The people who don't=normies, wogs, profane, goy, they have a zillion names for same things.
They claim to hate the normie, while the normie simply serves. It is people like me they truly seem to hate. Who see it and say fuck no. At least it appears that way. When niggers worship secrets it's pretty hard to tell wtf they really want. Going on who they threaten to kill though, it's people like me they hate.

>it's people like me they hate.
As I said though, it can be hard to tell wtf liars really believe. They love opposites. When they say:
>We hate you and want to kill you
They might mean
>Thank God you actually see the world the way it is that I'm not really allowed to say.
Perhaps they have been waiting for a non-initiate to see their goals and most of thier bs. I don't really believe it and don't trst them at all, but if they believe their own bs, that normies suck, cowards don't name them, etc, etc, perhaps they don't hate us as much as I think.

The jews fell for the AI meme harder than anybody and are literally trying to build their own God.
Ironically, it's literally Satan they're building. And they will be punished severely by God.

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>The jews
and all occultists
I don't balme Jews who follow the rules set down in the Torah.
>severely by God
Nah, by war.
It's in Revelation. That people will fight them.
Ask me why I think you're a shill?

Have you read thread from yesterday?
Anyone who hasn't should fuck off and do so. YOu cannot really partake itt unless you did. This OP is about yesterday OP.
Not accusing you, but you are literally doing all the things shills always do.
>never occultism

I ask if you read the thread because even though jew and mason shills claimed otherwise, I talked about AI and the memery surrounding it better than they did.
Just ike right now I can name Jews better than the entire media and especially Any Forums

left hand path anti-cosmic Gnostics are the specific group of Jews and Masons largely responsible for this kind of destructive thinking.
But you are correct, occultism itself is the enemy because it seeks to obfuscate instead of illuminate.
gatekeeping of true information is a paramount sin.

Naw, they are all niggers
>trust me
>In spite of us not naming each other.
Nobody is this dumb. Really.
>Trust me
>The exact left right binary choice they show you in media nobody believes in exists in Masonry as well, except this time for real
>we just never ever oppose each other.
>only name Christians and Judaism.
No thanks.

ishtar ahriman anzu & sarumon
moloch bael & sebek
set & osiris yahweh & chronus
minerva anaat lilith
shiva & shakti amphritite delphin