European support of EU increasing

European support of the EU is at an all time high.

>65% of Europeans see EU membership as a good thing, the highest result since 2007

>EU’s economic sanctions against Russia are supported by 80%

>59% say that the defence of freedom and democracy must be a priority

>61% of Europeans are not confident that their life will continue unchanged

>Russia is seen positively only by 10 % of respondents

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There is nothing a European loves more than sanctioning Russia and supporting Ukraine.

Those numbers are all lower than I had expected.

You guys love it but don’t want to pay for it.

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>Russia is seen positively only by 10 % of respondents
What % of those are serbian economic migrants? What % is east german boomers?

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Lies, simple as.

What you offer is shit.
You are Undesirable.

>see someone act like nigger
>support him
that 10% is the filthiest commies in the whole EU.

European Parliament posts news how European Parilament is the best. Jeez, get fucked OP

Yeah, Putin did the incredible, make Europeans love the EU, NATO and the USA

de-communization of Europe is a stunning success, another 11D chess move from mr.Putin

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>Support the EUdss, with literal central committee and cmu elected commissars
>Those who are against this are commies

You are beyond nigger tier, pastasubhuman

You will never be European, cockhole
You will never be a EU member
You will never be in NATO

But I just hate all those things more, now also I hate Ukrainians.

Ukraine is a part of Europe, though. That’s like me saying Idaho will never be American.

By that metric Turkey and Russia do too, at some point someone has to put the line of EU and non-EU before it turns into the Eurasian Union.

I don't need to be something that I already am

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>you must support putin if you recognize EU has flaws
how's life as an NPC?
oh sorry, you're not programmed to answer that

>EU has caused the almost complete destruction of europe thanks to their schemes and they are still at it
>Europeans still love it
And here i thought the chinks were the only ones with Bug mentality

The fuck happend?

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Switzerland is currently projecting that their energy needs for the winter will be underserved by 40%. All across the EU there are going to be severe energy crunches. Wonder how those approval ratings are going to do when people can only keep their homes barely above freezing, have no jobs because industry shut down, have severe food shortages and shortages of anything that has to be transported (pretty much everything), and their bills for what little energy they're able to get are astronomical.
People love to support causes that makes them look and feel virtuous, as long as the cost to them is low. Once that price rapidly increases by several orders of magnitude, the people are going to be mad and will turn to whoever can undo what the neoliberal order has willfully pushed them into.

When will Europe start apologizing to Russia?

>When will Europe start apologizing to Russia?

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>EU gaslighting citizens into thinking that they actually support the EU

>as long as the cost to them is low
I would argue otherwise. People will support causes indefinitely aslong as it makes them feel like they matter and this has all the require elements to achieve it
>Clear figurehead: Big bad evil Putin
>Regional actor pushing his interests over the EU
>A country with a set of values completly and absolutely and without any doubt oposed to us
>A story of the strong preying over the weak creating a clear underdog that needs our support
>The only thing that is required to feel part of this is to "take the pain" and "support our every desition"
It's kind of a religious experience in which the more mistreated and painful the ritual is the more people dig the system that put them there. And the mechanism is simply perfect because if the reward never comes or the situation doesn't improve there are always ways to blame it to someone else that didn't do enough(the enablers like China or India) or to simply postpone the date in which things will go back to normal, just trust me dude.

This whole war has been politically perfect for western countries, back then Covid was a bad strawman on which they blamed their failings because it was an abstract disaster that couldn't be reasoned with nor had any agency, it was like trying to blame a tornado for the destruction in his wake, but with Putin and Russia now they had the perfect enemy to which they could rally the population and do as they pleased in the name of western values.