ER doctor on the aftermath of gun violence – on the body, and the community

>I am an emergency room doctor. I can tell you firsthand the damage from an AR-15's bullet is almost indescribable.
>It creates gaping holes. It liquefies organs. It is rarely survivable.
>Regardless of the gun used, the way a bullet rips through a body is similar to the way gun violence tears apart a community. Each bullet leaves a ripple effect, not just for the victim, but for their parents, their children, their siblings and their friends.
>We need to start treating gun violence the same way we treat other public health crises – drunk driving, heart disease, even COVID. We can prevent gun violence before it lands people in my ER.
>First, if you have a firearm in your home (that's more than 40% of us in America), make sure it's stored safely – locked up, and ideally unloaded.
>Second, know the danger signs: depression, dementia, domestic violence, substance use, and, yes, hatred.
>Finally, if someone you know is showing these danger signs, do everything you can to put time and distance between them and a gun while they're at risk of hurting themselves or others.

Since western doctors are pozzed as hell, should I get medical advice from witch doctors/shamans instead?

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Thats one hook nosed jew

Medical doctor now a firearms and ammunition expert?
Why are leftist so insufferable?

For this and for the lockdown doctors should die.

>Brown University. Despite George Lincoln Rockwell and repository for the greatest shitposter of all time.

Into the garbage compactor it goes.

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>labcoat kike in front of a green screen
Ah, it's "the experts" again.

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paul stanley looking rough these days

>I am an emergency room doctor. I can tell you firsthand the damage from an AR-15's bullet is almost indescribable.
No shit asshole that's the point.

Let's do the timewarp again.

if a gun violence is a persistent problem in a community then the only possible treatment is transplanting new people in place of those who cause problems

If I was shot I'd rather get shot by a higher caliber than lower or maybe those RIP rounds.

>kike wearing a costume on a green screen
I've seen too many tiktok preachers, this angle won't work on me anymore

This is all sensible advice, ideally rifles should be banned/heavily restricted.

I can only slow it down or speed it up

What doctor sees 556 ammo wounds on a day to day basis? They don't. They see niggers shooting 9s, yet this cunt wants to talk about 556. Such disingenuous fucks as usual.

>It creates gaping holes. It liquefies organs. It is rarely survivable.
Yes, that is kind of the point.

Oh no. A weapon is effective. They should be designed to gently tickle.

how would you deal with blacks though?

Physiogomy checks out.

Next do ventilators, blown out lungs and 50 grand payments for dead corona patients.

Unless they're guarding someone important, like a politician, billionaire, or celebrity. Then nothing is too powerful. And of course criminals need to protect themselves from the racist cops. It's just the peasants who don't deserve any defense.

>guns kill people
Wow amazing. What a revelation and I thought they were just toys

>locked up
lol, lmao

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Can this Jew bitch tell us about the first hand damages that niggers do to the community? They shoot people every day with handguns and every other type of legal gun.

>>gun violence should be treated like a health crisis

>>let us have Fauci solve this problem too!

>>you will surrender your guns or we will not go back to work! It's for the safety of the public!

No such thing as gun violence. Stop being brainwashed.