Are these real fucking people?

are these real fucking people?

Attached: clowns.png (589x1287, 443.69K)

Did he really fucking say that?
>imagine if this coverage was me
bad take.
>failed coup attempt
dum. I'm more concerned about the fact the house attempted to publicly (figuratively) assassinate him. What will Barron think?

She's right about one thing though. Times like these cause the people to abandon republicanism in favor of an autocrat.

Attached: Roman Empire 2.jpg (1152x1400, 391.24K)

No, theyre not, that's the entire point of Elon Musk bringing twitter to court.

bot lmao

Why doesn't she show the attempted communist revolution 5 years earlier?

This is a bot made by kikes from Israel.

w-w-w-who fucking cares if you vote you're a cuck

in what way is my post a bot post faggots. Scared the world is about to see the rise of the American Empire?

people really are that dumb though

the bots just spam low effort bullshit usually

youre a bot

>two polish niggers
Must be ukrainian refugees

you're responding to a fucking israeli

ya but gas prices are most likely going to be going down soon

i know

They’re mainly bots, some are true blue NPCs. Most are bots.

Every Trump family member has a team of orbiters that instantly reply to their every tweet with a leftist meme. Far from a Trump supporter but these people are cringe.

How bad must it feel to be Mike Pence, who nobody cares about or has mentioned EVER since his useless vice presidency?

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Keep denying it all you want. You're about to see the next Hitler or the next Octavian, or something along those lines, rise up in the US.

Attached: ace bateman.jpg (400x400, 19.03K)

>twitter comments
>are these real people

Fake Americans & botnet rise up.

the bots are real

>crazy liberals don't exist