Why did capitalism fail?

Why did capitalism fail?

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I'm moving to Rwanda to save money lol. I don't need to I just want to keep more of what I earn. If you aren't getting paid enough find a new job.

good morning, sir


Never succeeded to begin with

Rent is expensive due to immigration and zoning laws. Too much demand and not enough supply. This is primarily a problem in leftist dominated areas like Vancouver or California

And taxing the wealthy’s consumption is fine. It’s taxing their invested capital and reinvested profits that makes no sense. You are just taxing consumers. And rockets are capital, we need to put satellites in orbit for everything from GPS to telecommunications to weather and imaging.

Retard, there is no such thing as leftist economies, never implemented to begin with. Especially in a cuckpitalist country like USA

You want to rent
You want to work
You need landlords more than they need you
You need employers more than they need you

>explain to me like I'm in kindergarten

When you flood the country with cheap labor it drives wages down, because there is always somebody desperate enough to work for less.

woman twitter poop sounds

Because capitalism only cares for capital, not people. That means your culture, race, moral code, et cetera will all be sacrificed the nanosecond the 1% can profit off of gutting it. You cannot be against globohomo if you're a capitalist

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The problem with Capitalism is there's no immediate motivation for any of the people involved to let the market correct when necessary which leads to the creation of bubbles and the inevitability of a crash.

>explain it to me like im in kindergarten
Well see when there are too many people competing for too few jobs the wages go down, so people who hate the poor keep voting for more immigration.

You also have equity firms buying up the properties as "investments" and jacking up the prices. Sometimes they renovate them and charge even more than that. In some cases they are simply held to appreciate in value to maybe someday be flipped. In my area of Virginia dozens of apartment complexes have had this happen. Newer "homes" that are built are thrown up in a month or two and are so close together you and your neighbor can reach out your windows to hold hands if you were so inclined.
Basically and and "Late Stage Capitalism" may just be a meme term but that's exactly what's happening now.

Three's a crowd. It should've been just these two Great things would've happened if it was just these two.

It hasn’t failed. Capitalism is meant to benefit the rich at expense of the working class. The working class creates the wealth of the rich by being braindead pussies incapable of seizing the means of production through violent revolution.

It didn't. Poor people are all fed and have smart phones.

He said leftist dominated areas faggot, nothing about California's economy.

capitalism unlike socialism or communism isnt a promise of utopia so it can’t fail. it just is. this is like asking “why does breathing fail” when someone dies. capitalism and trade is reflection of the natural order of things and in the natural order bad things happen to the weak and dumb. natural selection so to speak.

Should I visit India?

Own 6 acres and a 4k sqft house in a rural town north of San Antonio. I spend my weekends on my boat at the nearby lake and frequently go to the local faires in my small town. Life is great out here and other people in my area are living well and happy too.

There's miserable poor people living in the inner cities. They chose to live that life style though. Capitalism didn't fail - those people were born perpetual losers that never had the will to be anything but failures.

It didn't. It was rigged by the government and the justice system. Under the pretenses of ending inequality they enabled it.

commies want everything for free. shoot them on sight

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