Planes do not fly

Gravity is a myth. There is no equation that can explain how planes can fly. I’m still trying I figure out why every world leader is still trying to convince everyone that the earth is round and gravity is real. It’s a Jewish pys op

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Other urls found in this thread: government agency proposed a,search of rare space metals.&text=For five years, the United,the center of the moon

No one knows

Is this like bikes staying upright when moving?

Tell me how planes fly. You can’t because they can’t.

Is the upshot of this that we don't really get why lift is as powerful a force as it is

Bro I can explain it what are you talking about?
Here’s the real question:
Magnets, what the fuck are those?

This... this is what Feds will post when you start talking about Pedo Peter
>Options Field

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Planes aren’t real

airstream is deflected downward by airfoil angle of attack to lateral flow. because mass is forced downward, a rising (lifting) force is applied to the wing. if you hold your hand out the window while driving you can feel this happen. the equations are computationally solved quite well now, except in certain nonlinear situations because aspects of underlying physical simulations measure averages better than point forces in all possible aerodynamic regimes.

it's the wings. You're welcome

It's like a boat on water IN water.

That's just plane wrong.

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What's wrong OP, you stopped baiting and abandoned thread as soon as I said
>Pedo Peter
I thought you wanted to talk about your gay Fedpost flat earth LARP?
Why would you leave the thread as soon as I said
>Pedo Peter?

Bit strange

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You should get a Nobel prize since you just solved something no scientist or engineer has ever been able to solve

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pack it up boys

>Gravity is a myth.
>t. Isn't floating away


It’s all a lie

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>Wants to know how airplanes fly
>Uses water channel on model plane

All fields

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This but unironically

Ssssh, don’t explain basic scientific concepts to midwit schizos, you’re gonna give them an aneurysm


I imagine it's kind of like climbing a rope.
Where you're basically "pulling yourself up".
Except in this case, "up", is angled sideways a bit.


>wings are curved on one side (the top) so when air passes over the wing, it must travel faster along the top (it has to go a further distance in the same amount of time as the air passing under the wing) This means the air is at a slightly lower pressure on top of the wing, so air rushes from the below the wing to the top of the wing, pushing the wing, and thus the aircraft, up. This only occurs at significant enough forces at high speed.

first he has to drone attack some sand niglets then he gets the nobel prize

Flaps induce lift at high velocity. You can simulate this with a paper airplane.


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I'd pay to see those subhumans froze in Alaska. They cant even take the ukies and they are bluffing about invading America proper? Fucking Putin is a clown.

>something no scientist or engineer has ever been able to solve
Lol literally everyone can solve it

>Oy vey. This is an antisemitic conspiracy, just like the legitimate ones.

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FED sage shill fuck off all fields YWBAW

it is simple. air is more dense towards the flat earth and becomes less dense the higher you get. the motorprop/jet pushes through the lower density and the wings act as rudders. like a ship in the sky.

>I’m still trying I figure out why every world leader is still trying to convince everyone that the earth is round

LOL I dont get you flattards. You can clearly tell the Moon is a solid object (plasma moon flattard theory deboOked), there are craft flying around it (NASA deboOked).

Who is on The Moon? – Ufology Explained, Part 3

NASA or the JewSA wanted to nuke the Moon multiple times in the past. government agency proposed a,search of rare space metals.&text=For five years, the United,the center of the moon

Both the USA and USSR planned to nuke the Moon out of existence

And if the Moon actually was in the “firmament”, it would mean its in atmosphere and thus can be visited by planes. But it cannot, thus flattard earth at its most basic level of model is deboOked.

Attached: Reichsdeutsche-spacecraft-flying-near-the-Moon.webm (1280x720, 1.43M)


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It just doesn't make sense for planes to generate lift that way, wings should be shaped like the profile of a boat.

>le pop sci

Yes, precession is a myth. As is blood libel.

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>t. falling for the bike psyop
Now express in RPM

>According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible.
Modern science still can't explain how bees fly either

>be plane
>exploit lift coefficient on wings to create a difference in pressure (low on top high on the bottom)
>use engines to create thrust and thus movement forward
>vertical and horizontal stabilizers change jet stream direction
>glide thru the fluid at will
>hurr durr no single equation
only a braindead physicist would assume something opposed to the self-evident. Empirical/experimental truths are greater than any theory. It'll remain more than one equation until we fully figure out turbulent flow

The kinda are...

Because it’s all a lie. Gravity does not exists

No one ITT can deny this.

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This is one of those old dumb wrong bits thats clung on


You need to realise that flat earth and other such obvious nonsense is a psyop perpetrated by jews to discredit creditable claims of conspiracy.

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Why does the air on top of the wing have to reach the end of the wing at the same time as as the air underneath the wing?

There is no proof of gravity
That’s literally why we call it “the theory of gravity”.
The Christians have it right, it’s called “intelligent falling”
Where the “intelligent creator” of the universe has willed everything to attract or “fall”(if you will) towards one another

They can explain these things. Just not with gravity, so instead of acknowledging gravity is a flawed theory, they call it a mystery.

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there was this one guy who used dung beetle wings to make a levitating machine and when they (((they))) found out about it they confiscated it
makes you think

It doesn't have to, but because otherwise there'd be a vacuum

It's just Newton's third law in the end. Coanda effect, Bernoulli, venturi, whatever are just various effects that all contribute to pushing the air down as the wing moves forward, thus pushing the plane up.

The Jews his the curvature on the horizon? Fuck me. I never knew.

whats that theory that says planes work just because humans believe they work? like if all the passengers stopped believing in mid air the plane would fall

I imagine it's kinda like government agencies trying to force the most insane conspiracy theories as Any Forums becomes more popular to normies and it cant be simply taken down like hate chan. So they kind of need to "lift" the consensus to make it seem like people talking about black violence and Jewish financial dominance is associated with people who believe in flat earth and aeroplanes being fake.

I don't know I'm not a scientist.

That’s the warg

Projection/reflection either way it is not reality.

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