Gay pedos angry they don’t have a SON to diddle

gay pedos angry they don’t have a SON to diddle

imagine having fags for parents?

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maybe they can mutilate their daughter pump her with hormones after brainwashing her into being trans? Pretty trendy and common

Kids are just accessories to these faggots

I never let fags near my son. My son has a cousin from his mother's side who is gay. I told my wife that her uncle is probably rape her nephew. I forbid her from dropping off my son with her aunt and uncle to look after him.

All fags are rape victims and a danger to children.

46% of homosexual men were molested as a child (compared to 7% of heterosexual men) and this is self reported so most likely understated...
Gays reproduce by molesting children.

fucking gross fags. the child trafficking industry needs to cease.


Well that’s fucked up.
Are you saying they’ll now have to molest outside the home?

How do they even know it's a girl ? Those cis scums are misgendering them.

Don’t worry they aren’t gender essentialist

Attached: FDCCA473-45A8-4E62-A78F-BFABFC929776.jpg (1090x748, 348.42K)

How do they know the gender before the child tells them?
I'm confused, can someone explain?

Or maybe they wanted a son to be cool daddies to, and don't necessarily feel comfortable raising a daughter with no female role model.

Which is why fags should not be allowed to raise children

... They shouldn't be allowed to raise children because they're responsible and don't want the kind of child they don't feel like they're able to raise properly? I don't get it.

It doesn't matter how "responsible" they might be. They've already fucked up by trying to sue - should the child ever find out they'll only feel confusion, pain and trauma from the realization that she was never wanted.

Many straight couples have a strong preference what sex kid they have too. If the clinic represented to them that it would make a male embryo, and then didn't, that's grounds to sue. But more likely the clinic said, as they should, that the process isn't 100% reliable but will most likely produce the desired sex, and they didn't listen or properly read what they signed.

If you can't raise one, you can't raise the other. Simple as.

Children aren’t commodities, you stupid asshole. This is an unnatural arrangement where the child is torn from one of their biological parents because of the selfishness of the other fag parent who does not want the child because of his unnatural arrangement. Total selfishness

Would you agree that a daughter with a single mother has a female role model, while a son with a single mother lacks a male role model?

No because single mothers are not role models.

Then your beef is with the entire concept of surrogate mothers, who most frequently carry children for straight couples who, for whatever reason, aren't capable of having a child the usual way.

My beef is with gay couples who “dream of parenthood”. Surrogacy is fine for heterosexual couples but it’s by nature not ideal

Ah, okay, I see. You're just a hateful asshole.

How is it different in a significant way?

Fuck off and die, faggot. And keep your mitts off children.