1 in 5 Gen Z adults identify as LGBT

What's the reason for this?

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It's trendy and all the negative meaning behind it are hushed by ubiquitous propaganda.

The west is doomed, simple as.

They were probably polling Californians.

Public Education Fail.

It is hip and cool. Like when I was in HS 1 out of 5 kids there were goth/emo.

You sure? Seems like the lame should go onto social media more.

- Trendy / cool to do so.

- Endocrine disruption from consuming plastic, blocking production of HGH and Testosterone, boosting estrogen.

- Shit food starting in the 1970's increasing insulin resistance leading to the increase of estrogen and men having boobs and craving horse cocks.

What do you think Gen Z will be like as parents?

This. Faggotry was made into fashion.

One in five Americans are mentally Ill

>What's the reason for this?
A planet of nearly 8 billion.

2 billion christians, 1.8 billion muslims, 1.2 billion hindus, a billion+ atheists and agnostics etc.

Only around 18 million jews. Simply do the math on pic related to see who has pushed the feminism/LGBT/tranny/grooming movement onto normies and normalized it.

In depth jew political, funding and voting data:

Attached: jews fem and lgbt.jpg (984x1222, 236.22K)

>have kids
>send your kids to be raised by 24 year old degenerates all day, every day
>surprised when they don't give a shit what you think

The oldest are 25 so some may already be parents.

no that's 20% of people who identify as LGBT are zoomers

Attached: lgbt tv.jpg (608x1074, 84.54K)

>FR FR litty n bussin on god no kizzy

they were born with aids

Internet addiction, porn addiction, retarded culture/ lack thereof, etc etc

Brainwashing /grooming.

>What's the reason for this?
systemic grooming in primary - university education

The propaganda tools are better than ever and the effort to normalize and glamorize it was extreme.
The centralization of the sources of the information consumed by the mass made it possible.
Social medias crated the perfect context to apply controlled social pressure and implement that ideology.

1 in 5 zoomers were born hiv positive... because their mothers are skanks

it's mostly girls identifying as bisexual fyi

I identify as nonbinary for job privileges and because I think it's funny to tell people I go by confusing pronouns that make no sense



>Survey of 12k people.
Why do you care? This shit is jewy as fuck. "margin of error is low" it's literally only 12k people. Youre autistic.

feminist single mothers

I'm a Gen Z parent

The weak are constantly searching for excuses for their failure. One of the more popular excuses is to become a professional victim. That is the reason for the rise in trannys and gays. They simply choose to be victims because it is easier than working for success.

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How many of them received mRNA or DNA vector Vaccines? That'll serve as a potential baseline of how many of them are capable of becoming parents in the first place.

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What the fuck is a traditionalist? They’re called “the greatest generation” because of their sacrifices in WWII.

Suicide rates should spike then?
I know with faggots being normalized, I've heard many of them now feel left out because they don't feel like they have adversity and others are getting attention.

>doesn't understand statistics
I fucking hate you people so much.

The other half are still in the closet

Teenagers like to feel special. Not interesting.


No in California it's 2 in 3. It's illegal to be straight

Cult indoctrination both inside and outside of public schools. Faggots can't reproduce so they must recruit.

Attached: gsa queer theory cult indoctrination.png (1000x695, 131.89K)

Seems to double
Damn Gen Alpha is gonna be nearly 50% gay lol

Thanks for the pic, that's useful.

The mass suicide wolf be fucking glorious. Once their gender identity and pronouns go the way of:
>tribal tattoos
>beanie babies
>cargo shorts
No refunds troon. The point of living is minimizing your mistakes, by accepting them as inevitable.

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Suicide wolf is cooler than want I meant to say
>Suicide will be

its very misleading
roasties created labels like
>gender queer
which basically means they continue to run around as roasties, doing roastie things, literally no changes between them and a normie
but get the shield of LGBT

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Two words:
Child groomers.

Attached: groomercrats.png (418x418, 67.19K)