Swedish boy gets rekt by immigrants


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God i wish that was me

Not clicking but assuming rape

It wasn't?

It's a literal boy getting beat by some fucking disgusting middle east beast

niggers acting like niggers

That kid got a fat dumper holy moly

> Poland.
> Contributing anything.

It's just a kids brawl

>oogling boy ass

Why did the japs ever allow subhumans to learn judo? Payback for two bombs?

>fellow swedes, here is a video of basic bullying 101 where two kids of hte same age fight, literally no one gets hurt, he trips him though! i hope you seethe over it
>t azog-rimming polacuck

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This goes out to all the boomertards who are quick to point out, “not ALL blacks are violent criminals.” It’s not just about whether or not they’re violent criminals. It’s about the overall drag they create on a functioning society. At my work, there is a department that is all black women. None of them have criminal records, so by boomer logic, they’re “the good ones.” Yet… when you go into that department for anything, you have to stand there until they finish their conversation about hair product, nothing gets done on time, nothing gets done right, and half the time, nothing gets done at all. If there’s anything you need from them, you know you’re going to have to go back multiple times with corrections to the half assed job the did. Then I get home to my mostly White neighborhood, and the well spoken black couple who lives across the street in a nice home, nice cars, and well paying jobs… their little nigger kids stand out in the drive way with their nigger friends from other neighborhoods late at night talking loud, laughing loud, bumping music, and just acting like total niggers. But they don’t have a criminal record. The violent crime is a huge part of it, but it’s not the only thing. It’s the way their hive swarms. It’s a million little actions that destroy civilizations. It’s the way they drag their heels in fuzzy house shoes at the gas station. It’s the ridiculous clothes they wear. Its the way their kids lose all self control at the trampoline park. It’s the made up French sounding names that didn’t exist until they shit out the latest baby. It’s the littering, the lack of consideration, the demanding and ungrateful attitudes, the 12” fingernails, the sluggish pace they do anything, the 3 breaks an hour… it’s every fucking thing about them.

where is the video of a blonde kid bullying an immigrant, then? hmm? i want to see that one. oh wait, it doesn't exist, so i am justified in my rage


This just goes to show how Swedes have gone weak
They used to be Vikings and shit
That shit would have never passed with a real Viking
The west is weak and is rightfully invaded by the strong
I'm sorry but that's just the way it is
That's what happens when you worship faggots

Didn't really get anything from this.
The sandnigger was at least 16 and that kid was like 12, obviously the sandnigger is gonna roflstomp him.

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Why is it always poles? Is it all that fat incel dating app freak?

cringe bro
also the immigrant in this video is apparently defending someone, probably his younger brother or sister, at the start he says "if you continue one more time i will burn your xx do you understand?" and at the end "leave xx or i will ..something
very end he says get up, go
and all the other kid and his friend said was we understand ok take it easy so they probably bullied someone and got outbullied
literally fucking kids tripping each other
fucking sad

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>Why is it always poles? Is it all that fat incel dating app freak?

I remember him. You should appreciate his effort to give you important data.

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It's you


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>The Eternal Swede defends their precious brown invaders
And this is exactly the reason their country is falling apart fast. Even if they can witness with their own eyes how their cities and cars are burning down and their people being pushed out and their culture being replaced, they will STILL make an attempt to look at it from an ''unbiased perspective'', to be the good guy and do what is just, to not appear as a racist monster. Make no mistake this mentality can't be changed, they're doomed.


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>be arab nigger
>get physically involved in what is probably childrens fight/arguments
brown hands typed this post

I will never understand norwegians on Any Forums, you’re turbofucked aswell, i’ve bern in your country and seen the demographics, what seperate us from you and danes is that assimilation broke down spectacurally here, hence they all life in ghettoes and blast eachother to smithereens, but is that a bad thing? Would i rather assimilation working and parade them as model citizens like you during suttonde maj? Fuck no, keep on executing eachother in the ghettoes.