Russia lost more troops and equipment in 4 months than the entirety of NATO in all conflicts it was involved in since...

>Russia lost more troops and equipment in 4 months than the entirety of NATO in all conflicts it was involved in since its inception in 1949

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Did Ukraine win?

God damn, why do the Russians always have to be first?

does Kyiv still stand?

You sucked my dick more times than the entire hungarian porn actresses brigade since the ausro hungarian empire foundation, source = my ass
relevance = same level as your

you guys are watching a fake war with fake troop movements and fake losses sold to you by a bunch of scheming freemason balloon boyz


it's obvious there is a lot of death. It is sad day when I care more about dead Russian boys than actual Russians, do you have the opinion that they knew what they were signing up for or that they're cannon fodder or what I would be extremely pissed at Putin nothing is worth all this death

OK, and what's your point faggot?

does it?

Russia has never cared about its sons, it will happily throw a thousand of them into the grinder to push the line by a mile.

>it's obvious there is a lot of death
how is it obvious you fat anime nerd? mike lee twitter videos of dummy tanks getting grenades dropped on them by k-mart drones?

one thing I will concede. someone keeps blowing up all the shitty ukranian apartment buildings

Russia is defeating NATO and they are scared

Dude it's our first war we are just learning, give us two more week.

Which is why Lithuania orders them around and they have no choice but listen to them?

USA is paying $50 billion dollars a month for this achievement from American tax payer's pockets

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>source = your AIDS riddled ass

War? What war?

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NATO didn't wage major conflicts. US did. Also they only fought some random 3rd world countries with 3 roads and 4 buildings.

yes because instead of sending in 'advisors' to 'advise' the 'rebel groups' they were 'funding' russia actually waded in themselves. of course you lose more equipment when you actually fight your own wars.


>he said the w-word
off to gulag buddy

dude, careful
I know the glowpeople are a meme here
but really, careful, special military operation

These lies....over and over. That's how everyone can tell.....that zelensky loves it up the ass.

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It wouldn't even be possible with this much combat this many people and with so much deadly equipment, Russia has admitted to heavy losses and that was a while ago now the number only increases


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Source: Ukrainian officials from their Polish bunkers paid for with UN Jew funds

>all conflicts it was involved in since its inception in 1949
Would you care to list them? I want to BTFO vatniks and point out their hypocrisy when they claim that NATO is the true warmonger.

And yet it moves...
This should tell nato something.