Pink Tide 2: The Right Keeps Losing

Any Forums keeps telling me they’re winning, but center left to far left governments are winning all over the world?

Look at this map— and add Brazil to the red socialist category because Lula is going to BTFO Bolsonaro.

America is center left. Canada is center left. Boris Johnson just got YEETED, France just rejected the alt-right.

Is it possible that everyone on Any Forums just spends too much time in their weird incel echo chambers?

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>The inferior races that create shithole countries keep voting leftwing. This means we're winning

Yes— the majority of the world keeps voting Left. They’re rejecting right wing causes wholesale.

Meanwhile Any Forums posts a screen shot of some white dudes with riot shields and swear they’re winning. It’s laughable.

Mexico will become a Black ethnostate, mark my words!

The Peru, Bolizian, and Venezuelan commies are pro-religion and anti-degenerate, they are based, wish that lefties in america would learn a thing or two from them

I think we are winning, like a poll just recently showed that everyone on the planet hates blacks a jews

Good. America will be sandwiched between a black ethnostate and a left wing Canada. Hopefully that infects the United States.

1 poll versus entire world wide elections voting left and rejecting right wing ideas lmao

You must be very young because latin america always does this, they go between communism and fascism at regular intervals and in the end nothing changes because everything is so corrupt

Yeah, that's why they're shitholes who just want free shit. Go ahead and claim venezuela as a victory

The real is as strong as it was in late 2019 once Lula wins it will devaluate 300% sending his popularity to the shitter.

Boris in Chile is also fucked he is doing inflationary policies in a food importer nation.

Here in Argentina they spent so much time with retarded quarantines that the gas pipeline needed for energy needs started constructions years too late so they are fucked as energy inflation become food inflation.

In all honestly the right here is literally social democrat cucks so it probably is even worse that Marxist chaos.

what are you talking about the franch right wing party got amazing results in parlement this year

Nah, gringolandia will become fully nigger

Socially most of the left in south america would make the republican party look like unitarian cucks


Good thing my country is vastly different politically and economically from those shitholes (Canada included).

P*ronist Ape

Lula 2022

You monkeys are gonna starve lmao

Peronism is chaotic good, all the inflation they generate makes their authoritarian tendencies disappear as they can't enforce even the price of spaghettis in the chinese supermarket next street.

But most of the other left in latam is really bad with some bizarre exceptions like in Bolivia.

Communism in Latin America’s a good thing. The liberal capitalists are pro-LGBT and anti-Catholic

kek you still think there will be an election? so youre the unhinged amerimutt lunatic that trusts the "brazilian democracy"?

With the war in Ukraine, Brazil using mostly Russian fertilizer and on top of that a devaluation due to Lula wining brasilians won't die but 600m of people that depend on their basedbeans will.

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>but center left to far left governments are winning all over the world?
People are too stupid and/or brainwashed by commies and their banker overlords. All too eager to follow argentina's footsteps since they're doing so hot down there

I'm Uruguayan, I'm talking for Uruguay not argentina.
Now I'm in BsAs fucking their women and eating for dirt cheap kek.

already happened on 2nd president, we evolved past nigger shit.

>600m of people that depend on their basedbeans will.
Brazilians rely heavy on exporting onions and other products, with a worldwide economic crisis + new taxes due to Lula 2022 their customers will either replace Brasil produce or start producing themselves because it will be too expensive, Brazilians will suffer (and that’s a good thing)

Socialism/nationalism is a more fitting ideology for a lot of Latin American countries because, even though there's a lot of racial diversity, there's not much ethnic or cultural diversity. Whether it's labeled left or right isn't really important, it's more about protecting the the interests of average people