Attached: 7066D451-AC7E-423F-A417-38DEC02661B8.jpg (1170x1847, 844.17K)

digits and it goes big time.

this is trumps fault

fucking glowniggers

>timestamp not in the twatter screenshot
fake and gay

Of course. What else could it be?

didn't this already happen? it's not breaking if it was posted here hours ago

its just a small lng plant blowing up

Fucking asshole Russians probably did it.

Initial reports are blaming a gas leak

what happened to spreadsheet user tracking the food supply sabotage?


>open ublock dashboard
>"my filters"
>put this in:

Attached: faggot.png (902x228, 121.35K)

>stubs toe

Oh no, not the sweet natural gas ready to be exported to Europe! It's not like the US military itself is blowing up these facilities.

I'm sure that it will have no negative effect on the energy security of the EU and the (((political systems))) in France and Germany.
What are we gonna do now, fellow eurocucks?

Attached: image_2022-07-10_172330426.png (473x500, 9.71K)

Communists trying to max out chaos and aggravate the food and energy crisis. Probably Russian agents or chinks involved too

First things first, is Sean "Sticks" Larkin OK?

hes probably in new york getting ready for the new live pd

Why would Trump do this? Is he really seething that bad that he initiates false flags across America? He's burning warehouses such as Amazon, Walmart, that one fireworks plant and now this SMDH PUT TRUMP IN JAIL NOW FFS

its the ONEOK plant user
most of what they make is for the US market

Attached: ONEOK.png (987x884, 206.79K)

pure coincidence, move along goyim

so that schizo post about rolling blackouts in middle america was real!?

>Tweet over 18 hours old
Go suck some more cocks, OP

>Why would Trump do this?
Not sure if it's Trump, Q or a branch of the US military, but they are doing this to destabilize European (((societies))) to make their work easier cleaning house. Now that Russia, China and 89% of the world population with 69% of the world's GDP energy embargoed the US and EU it's only a matter of time the (((systems))) in the EU and the US collapse. They are just making sure that the US is unable to supply natural gas and oil to the EU to hasten this process and to mitigate the damage to the us, the population (it's better to be without oil and natural gas in the summer/fall than during winter, also the establishment cabal is insane).

Attached: image_2022-07-10_173824352.png (1100x618, 799.96K)

I just assume the world is falling apart, I don't know when, but none of this should surprise you.

Kek. Even better then.

Doesn't work

"Don't want to invade China with us? Have it your way."

a natural resource fire you carry? I'm shocked!

Wasn't there a thread the other day warning healthcare workers about blackouts in some states? Was Oklahoma on that list?

Attached: 1655509633576.jpg (585x560, 63.74K)

It's just another coincidental accident on our energy grid. Chuds take your meds

What you said makes a lot of sense. I bet you're a FED! Nice try glowie I HATE THE ANTICHRIST I WILL NOT EAT THE BUGS

"russian" agents = british/european, or golems for euro/uk interests(interests of euro/uk elites =/= interests of people of these countries). chinks may be. but puppeters of russia and china are uk/europe. you may not believe me. but on this planet the main war is between usa and europe/uk. and all commie shit is always comes from europe/uk. this is why europe/uk support blm, abortion in usa and they hated trump. this is tricky war of centers of power. russia and china are golem countries. but china of course is more powerful than russian federation.