Which Revolution Will Succeed?

Fugly mutant Leftist Commune or the Chad Aryan Imperium??

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kek and people claim all asian people look a like

lol most of those far right assholes are either in jail or have criminal records and will never amount to shit in life.

We should gene splice or crossbreed these columns and make the most unreasonable human ever born.

We already have Brazil.

>Never amount to shit in life!
>Jewish system that hates them!

Attached: tenor.png (500x292, 194.55K)

>far right assholes
Opinion discarded. Fascism is the next step in human evolution

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who are the guys on the right?
I assume the guys on the left are a sampling of people arrested but never charged in association with all the riots in the last 3 years.

Left are Antifa, right are Patriot Front. Communists and Fascists. Which look more appealing to you?

>communist antifa
although they will never abolish capitalism and actually ((((liberate)))) the ((((working))))
>patriot front fascists
they are boomers and will never kill the jew infact they practice some of the work's of the jews such as circumcision even 1800's america which was mostly ring wing still had the practice of circumcision and other jewish lies

right wing*

>the right are federal agents. I can tell because they look like other federal agents I've seen with my extensive federal agent spotting techniques that just happen to confirm all my biases and make me have a 100% track record. My personally assigned glownigger tries to talk to me all the time on here using dozens of VPNs, sometimes playing multiple characters in the same thread. Let me know if you want me to drop anymore birth control pills on the subject.

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>they are boomers and will never kill the jew
We'll see what happens when the economy disappears

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Neither. They will all die.

You glow

Who's the incel chuds now?

Far-right at least looks human except one

wtf is imperium?

>they have an age limit that excludes all boomers
kys already terminally online faggot

The left pic looks to be all faggots but the right pic is pure untermensch vibes, both should be gassed with extreme prejudice

The left actually engages in politics. The right is psyoped by Any Forums jannies and the feds into never actually doing politics