*drops mic*

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Damn he should let someone in charge know about it

Why do people say the constitution defends abortions but never cite where?

pursuit of happiness
>pro tip. #1 is what you're looking for

How is this not open insurrection?

What the fuck is he trying to say?

I've had one person actually be able to respond that roe used the right to privacy stuff to support abortion. Same girl also pointed out that it would eventually get overturned because it isn't taking into account the real question, when do the rights of the baby start.
Turbo liberal coot too.

So if I kill someone, you can't ask me questions about it, because I have the right to privacy?

>Hey! Ignore that body, this is my right as a private us citizen to butcher coeds when ever I get those weird urges!

Lol you faggots are so fucking bad at argument it's unreal. I guess drinking your own cum for a decade and refusing to argue in good faith logic, has kinda hampered your ability to argue.

Lol but how's it going being the most shortsightedness people in human history?

Next thing will be about democracy while complaining about muh majority.

It also outlaws homicide

Right to privacy does not mean you can murder people in private. Under this definition any crime you commit "privately" is okey dokey.

It's a state issue, like other crimes. The federal government needs to stay out of it. I swear they have zero respect for rule of law or limitations on power placed on them by the Constitution.

You can privately do whatever you like legally but doctors are not authorized to do abortions unless sanctioned by the state and must adhere to limitations.

It's pretty fucking simple.


too bad they ditched all that shit during covid and there is no turning back now

This is retarded. The constitution says nothing about abortion. The argument can be made that the 4th amendment might come in to play when prosecuting someone who received or performed an abortion but there's nothing preventing the outlawing of abortion itself. Saying otherwise is like saying the 4th amendment guarantees the right to murder someone so long as it's done "privately".

End quote.
Repeat the line.

this is a shill slide thread, do not respond to it. if you respond, you "bump" the thread, making it go to the top of the catalog. go bump and engage with actually interesting and useful threads or
type sage into the options field to not bump it

Will this fucking nigger die already

Buzzwords only apply to nazis

Now this senile fuxk is dropping microphones?

Exactly. They somehow can demand vaccination status. But no one can ask you if you have aids or monkey pox because they are fag diseases.

The left can flat out be ignored at this point.

Lorl. Your every action is recorded by personal devices 24/7,
compiled into profiles, sold and used to judge your
access to scarce resources like jobs or mortgages.

There is no privacy anymore, it has been sold.
Not for abortions, not for taking a leak,
not for how often you tap the brake pedal in a car.

>bumps thread by lecturing people
fucking euroslobs lol

I wish people would take the time to figure this out...
> the decision repealing roe was NOT about abortion
> it was about the court reversing the trend which says that the courts (instead of the people) should decide things.

They sent the abortion question back to the people and the legislature, where it belonged. Several of their decisions this term were about stopping court overreach

>Is the figurehead for a government that spies on all of its citizens, every moment of their lives.

>Has the nerve to talk about protecting individual privacy.

These elite pedos sure aren't self-aware.

He already has power, so it can't be an insurrection. This is more reaching for dictatorial rule if anything.

Can I make a decision to end my child's life because I can't afford it? Surely, that's a private familial decision.

Now they care about privacy?

4th and 14th amendment
Literal nonsense argument thou

In it's most general terms the argument is
>4th amendment guarantees privacy, and this includes medical decisions such as abortion, and 14th extends it to all states

Everything about this statement contradicts us law, and every other legal precedent that came before it. Right to privacy has absolutely never been considered extended to abortions, just like I can't rape someone then declare "muh right to privacy includes rape on my own property". It's ludicrous on a fundamental level.

14th amendment thing is even more of a joke. Somehow this didn't apply for 100 years when abortion was basically illegal, but apparently the only person that could read it correctly was Thourogood Marshall

Doesn't matter BTFO out of them here. Let it burn.

I don't think its a shill thread, I think its just someone farming (you)s
and I do sage my responces

>the right to privately murder ones children and claim they were taken by wolves. the right to privately slaughter the innocent if it's done in accordance of the teachings of moloch.

First off, that's not even what the constitution says. It doesn't protect privacy at all. Even if it did, protecting "privacy" and protecting the ability to make a "private decision" (whatever in the hell that even means exactly) are two different things.

i did not bump it
seething kike

It's called chutzpah

They also have no right to know my income, how many or what type of firearms I own or what medications I buy and use off label.

They also have no right to know what improvements or modifications I make to my property and vehicles or what type of fuel I use for energy and transportation.

Finally they have no right to know what information I access, the people I communicate with and what I teach my kids.

Attached: 1657164115093.jpg (960x960, 122.76K)

>No, dont improve your own rhetorical skills by forming arguments that challenge bullshit propaganda
>Just retreat into your own little safespace echo chambers and label everything you dislike as a "slide thread"
why are you even on 4chin, you mass-replying pussyass bitchboi?

>baby murder is a matter of privacy
>They can still go condemn themselves to hell in some libshit state

Privacy and abortion are exactly the same thing, silly goy.
If you have ever said you value your privacy, or you "want a little privacy", what you were really saying is you "want a little abortion."
Silly goy!

Welp. Looks like we can make decisions about killing niggers, in private. As long as we don’t kill niggers in a public space we are all good. Sound logic.

>Right to privacy

People usually commit murder in private duh

Okay, but what does any of that have to do with roe v wade?

It doesn't explicitly mention a right to privacy but it can be assumed via protection against unreasonable search and seizure. Historically this has meant that evidence obtained without a warrant or probable cause is thrown out of court. E.G. government run security cameras in every home could be argued to be an unreasonable search. So yes it does protect privacy in a roundabout way. In the context of abortion this might mean that illegally seized medical records could be thrown out in a case involving an unlawful abortion preventing conviction (even if the woman/doctor in question is undeniably guilty otherwise).

Those nasty 9th and 10th amendments that the left and right both hate.

>the smaller human doesn't have those same rights
kek, the group is counting the minutes til kickoff

What other instances did the Supreme Court extend this right to privacy to people other than women seeking an abortion?

Abortion isnt in the constitution though. You can take your emotional manipulation to subvert states rights and kys. Death to the left and dnc.