Dump Israel

he United States should end military aid to Israel...

1. Israel can pay for its own military. Israel has a strong economy, an excellent international credit rating, and runs frequent budget surplus. Israel ran an annual surplus of more than a billion dollars six out of the last ten years.

2. Military aid to Israel is a security risk. Israel is a major supplier of military technology to China. These sales have been instrumental in the modernization of the Chinese military. Israel developed the Lavi fighter from American technology with 1.5 billion in American subsidies. Israel sold the Lavi fighter to China. It is now called the J-10 and is the mainstay of the Chinese Air Force. Israel has also sold China missile guidance systems,, advanced radar systems and targeting systems.
3. Israel is a diplomatic liability.
4. Military aid to Israel is illegal under the Leahy Law because of Israel's human rights violations. Any aid to Israel is illegal under the Symington amendment which prohibits aid to nations with nuclear weapons that have not signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and do not permit inspections of their nuclear sites

Attached: american-and-israeli-flag-sized.jpg (1200x675, 96.13K)

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/subject/"Dump Israel"/page/1/

>the United States should end military aid to Israel
then the US couldn't use Israel as a military base anymore, and they want to use Israel as a military base. If Israel was in Antarctica or something they probably wouldn't send them anything

For every post you make a cuckcervqtive faggot sends us a clean extra billion

OP has made this same post 300+ times now
archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/subject/"Dump Israel"/page/1/

You have 1 brain cell, you also get your info about the military AGREEMENT between Israel and the US from reddit, le fag.


Israel stole it's nukes from the US

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The United States doesn't need Israel as base. We have Baes all over the Middle East.

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those US bases are there for israel's interests

The Truth needs repeating.

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The United States should nuke israel fuck those hooked nosed faggots.

How do we get Republicans on board with this? In my opinion it's under the guise of ending foreign aid

Nukes cost money and we have already wasted hundreds of billions on these leaches.

Israel is a failed state that cannot survive without handouts.. Let's just pull the plug and watch them die,

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shut the fuck up parasite

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No. Turn the whole region to glass. Fuck them all.

nah, it's just propagada now. I'd say the same thing if you posted pro israel junk. Imagine if everyone copy/paste spammed their opinions here constantly. Hardly anyone does it because it's what total faggots do

מזל טוב

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Protecting israel is literally the american religion
They're christians but the wrong kind of christians

The problem with the Republican party is it is overrun with deluded fundies who think Israel is God's gift.

Let them know, that Israel has the world's most liberal abortion laws.


Let them know most Israeli aren't religious.


Let them know Tel Aviv is homosexual playground.


Then ask if they think the modern state of Israel is keeping the Covenant with God,,

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זויג מיין האָן

It's all true. What would you like links to?

and why does an Aussie even care about this?

Are you an arrogant Jew or a deluded fundie?

גיין צוריק צו רעדדיט

100% foreign aid and Israel selling military tech to China. Don't bring up human rights abuses because they don't care about sand niggers (neither do I to be honest). Nukes is kind of a so-so.
Republicans (the voters, not the politicians) are more isolationist now than at basically any time in the last century. To the degree they aren't isolationist, they don't like China. I bring it up with my Fox News republican friends and there's always a moment of dissonance where their ZOG-programming kicks in, but they cannot formulate an argument as to why we should spend money on who controls some desert shithole.

It’s Christianity that’s the problem with your Fox News friends. Pathetic goyim