Isn't abortion a shortcut to heaven?

isn't abortion a shortcut to heaven?
why would you want to stop that

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There is no "heaven".

Are you that stupid?

Unbaptised babies go to purgatory I hear

why is this so hot?

They go to limbo.

Christcucks have the dumbest religion imaginable

you get the same result you would've gotten by wageslaving for 40-50 years so, yeah, you're right

no but martyrdom is, and killing everyone on the planet would also result in world peace. this is just a dumb line of argument because it begins from an absurd point so it's not really even slightly difficult to take it to a ridiculous extreme.

christianity is about "virgin" mary, a woman with an elastic hymen, cucking her husband with god. Being cucked by god. And they take this idea and generalize it so that it applies to everyone. Invite God into your life means to let him cuck your brain by inviting him into your mind. You allow yourself to be cucked by genuflecting in front of the Church, who is run by psychopaths. Oh wow! I didn't expect that. Every Pope was a mentally ill sexual degenerate, madly obsessed with power? Nooooooooo........ impossible!

Why don't you kill yourself then?

when you allow christianity to cuck you at the life-level, you allow everyone that "represents god" (priests, the bible, bible thumping retards, etc.) to tell you how you should live your life. Basically, your life isn't yours anymore, just like the cuck's wife isn't his anymore. It's someone else's.

why don't you blow your head off?

this is purgatory fren.

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And if you aborted the Second Coming of Jesus how would you feel user?

I think it’s more poignant to say that Christianity is a war against rationality. Don’t eat the apple of knowledge goy, let us tell you about the universe!

>why would you want to stop that
Because God said to not kill.

Isn’t he supposed to know everything? Why would he choose to come back as someone who was going to be aborted? Dumb Christcuck

a innocent life terminated before birth would be free of sin and automatically qualify for heaven, so not me in other words.

There's a good chance they're treated like sperm.

The bible makes no mention of purgatory.

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it's a silly mockery of the philosophies they plagiarized. You're not allowed to be rational, you're supposed to give me your Life (rhymes with wife), let me have my way with her, slap her ass, plaster her with cum, then you can have sloppy seconds (in the afterlife) and feel proud of it. Cucked n proud. It's not your turn yet! Just wait, I'm close to finishing.
Just invite Tyrone Christ into your life and wife, and be happy!