How do I identify a Jewish spy?

How do I identify a Jewish spy?

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Drop coins next to them. They'd pick up the coins

do most jews pass the pink nipple test?

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the what

Easy. Offer them pork & cheese and observe the reaction

>German-sounding surname in non-German country
>"I'm not a commie but..."
1 point: Sus, be careful
2 points: Keep an eye on him, jewishness is probable
3+ points: Jew confirmed, no need to check further unless you have free time

Attached: Israeli spies have harmed USA more than ALL other countries combined.jpg (650x473, 50.62K)

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humans have pink nipples, you can spot ayyys and other assortment of shitskins by their nipple colour

Double-"loyalty" (it is really single-loyalty: Jew-loyalty).

Attached: Jew-spy admits that Jews have dual-loyalty.png (597x697, 294.44K)

They can't form a sentence without using should or deserve.

Attached: 1642859193347.jpg (512x512, 30.35K)

What did Jewish mommy mean by this, bros?

Attached: Kangjewess2.png (1600x1412, 2.69M)

if you refer to a thread you almost always detect it when it uses too much logic and facts proven by science or when it knows how to refute your arguments, it is certain that it is a jewish spy.

Attached: c6b.png (1000x1000, 224.96K)

Identify if they’re using a Memeflag and if they seethe when you insult china or israel.

Works every time.

Dick check

This Call the suspect a jew and see if he recoils in fear, anger, or disgust (disgust is the enlightened gentile reaction)

Attached: 1657383634794.webm (640x360, 2.41M)

They simply look, behave, and even SMELL like a kike. It's like asking how to identify a jet-black nigger: it's that obvious that they aren't us. Especially when jews ramble on about how much they hate whites, just like a nigger would. It's just that obvious.

After a while you can just feel when someone is a kike.

slowly eat matzo staring them hard in the eyes and watch for nostril flares

How exactly are they going to smell different if the jews are caucasian too? I am increasingly amazed at how dumb the Any Forumstards are. blacks on the other hand are a completely different race and their odor is distinguishable.

Just say Patriot Front or NJP are legit and doing good work

are they an "art student"?

Kys shill