Rural bad

>rural bad
>globohomo coastal elite concrete pod jungle good

Attached: ukj6cv1c5na91.png (1080x1080, 1.16M)

>when your population of 3 still pays enough taxes to constitute a town
White people lol.


rural good but road trip over the plains sucks

ohiofag here, own my own house have a 10 minute commute and can go places without getting stuck in traffic forever

can someone explain to me other places are "better" when my quality of life is pretty good, I can vacation in "fun places" whenever
I don't understand how other places are "better" unless you're a richfag but at that point it's moot
take california for example, looks like the nature is beautiful and all that but do wagefags actually have time to go enjoy the nature? I see faggots bragging about muh disney muh mountains muh beaches, but how often do they get to enjoy that ?? I could get my pilots license and fly out to the coast on weekends, go to wv for mountains, or cedar point for amusement parks

I genuinely don't understand the superiority complex except for richfags but at that point you already have something to flex about ??

Attached: 837f8cf1fe7ef5a54a690a1e8c5b797a.jpg (645x729, 31.05K)

>population : 3
Must be the most awesome place on the whole continent.

If I remember right, it has a bar and restaurant owned and staffed by the same woman who runs the library. She's a busy girl. When I say library it's not huge, but it's there.

Attached: Rudy's Library.jpg (700x426, 102.68K)

If there is acces to internet, electicity, tap watter and a toilet that isnt outside of your house then it sounds like a nice place.

I drove through Nebraska just last week and it's a lot better than OP suggests. Resembles the southeast of England in many ways. just beautiful
OP's pics are plainly from Kansas

I went on a road trip through flyover US twice in my life

Both were unforgettable experiences and I will save money so I can do so in the future at least one more time before I drop ded

Attached: 1649746697712.png (1000x750, 565.92K)

that looks nice

I'm actually going to go to Nebraska soon, going to go camp at lake mcconaughy

Attached: CI_P_campingdusk_111015.jpg (800x531, 169.23K)

>access to internet is the first priority
Its a big bonus if there is no internet

I can guarantee you they have potable water and electricity. I wouldn't put money down on internet access. You might be able to get access through the towers using your phone, but a lot of the times companies don't wire out into weird areas unless people pay for it. Then again, maybe they did.

Wow, those cornfields looks so nice. They bring back so many memories.

Attached: Tee Hee.jpg (480x639, 28.87K)

>pooland is afraid of an outhouse
reject your pumbler instincts mateusz

Get that pilot license, I did, best decision I ever made. Working toward commercial cert now and get to visit cool places every few days. We need more /ourguys/ in the aviation world. PS. I asked pol where to go for flight school and they recommended a good place.

Say that again and I'll lay pipe in your mom

at some point I probably will. I asked the question because I genuinely don't know, I've never lived in a "superior" place but on paper it looks like living hell unless you're rich. Just a slave class and a rich class. I couldn't imagine having to get a jumbo loan for a house.

Is Internet access REALLY a good thing? Think hard before you reply

I always wanted to road trip out in middle America. Is it true how the TVs portray it? Few small towns with large stretches of nowhere in between? I always thought it would be hay fields and deserts.

Americans really have a weird understanding of what 'rural' means