Well, what was it?

Attached: 20220710_012246.jpg (1080x1620, 534.14K)

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God, what a dumbass.

the social and financial manipulation of nations across the globe

was it cause jews are fags? i bet that's it

One day he was suddenly struck by the anti-Semitism bug. Very common actually; science still hasn't discovered why.

They tried to circumcise him, but accidentally took one of his testicle.


All jews should be killed.
I still hope something happens and somehow someone manages to launch the nukes before they do.
I just WANT them to go extinct.

Hes a modern leftist. Hes a socialist that hated white people so much he wanted to round them up into camps.

Kept getting targeted by time travelling jewish assassins for no discernible reason. Eventually, he swore an oath to prevent this nightmare future, whatever it was.


he was a kikephobe

Attached: 1656525548748.webm (576x1024, 2.96M)

>people actually for this girl's bullshit act
Absolutely pathetic..

Attached: weimar.jpg (750x471, 206.72K)


No actual autistic would be this narcissistic. In fact I feel daily shame for being a complete social retard and there's no way I'd vrag about having autism. I cannot stand females and how they ruin everything.

i bet it was from not getting his covid booster

Imagine not knowing why or wondering why anyone could hate Jews. Who wrote this article a jew?

Attached: Pride.jpg (1024x565, 71.21K)

Everyone hated jews back then. And they had many valid reasons.
The jews were a lot less subtle about their ways prior to WWII.

Attached: Frankfurt School ALL Jews.jpg (2387x1601, 2.56M)

Subtle? Uh yeah no they are very open about what they do today and even brag and flex. Also almost every normie I know who never gave the jews a second thought are now very antisemitic.

The truth

You people are actually mentally I’ll and I feel sorry for you. Hitler singled out minorities so it would bring the nation together. It’s a tactic that’s been used time and time again throughout history. The fact you think they rule the world currently is embarrassing. White people are so great they can’t even overthrow a small number of Jews to who rule the world. Fucking KEK

Ignorant "goys" don't hate Jews.

Attached: Sad for persecuted Jews, then later.jpg (925x1024, 182.35K)

Wonder why?

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has this historian taken a history class?

Female poster. Disregard for stupidity

Attached: Thank god we saved the West from Hitler.jpg (1000x1416, 191.36K)

He hated OJ "the Juice" Simpson and wanted him exterminated. His underlings merely misheard him.

>Hitler singled out minorities so it would bring the nation together.

Attached: The downside of diversity.png (500x547, 114.04K)

Because they are communists, he says it in Mein Kampf you fucking retards.

I thought he wrote how and why in his book?
He wasn't obsessed. The Jews are obviously a problem, not necessarily all, but you can't be half arsed about it if you want to solve the problem. So for political reasons the jewish question must be a big issue to focus attention on and create an opposition against them among the common people.

Hitler expressed his eternal gratitude granted the doctor that had treated his sick mother special privileges after the Austrian anschluss. Calling him a noble Jew.
Jewish liars will tell you Hitler hated Jews because the Jewish doctor failed to save his mother.

>in 1908, when Hitler wrote Bloch a postcard assuring him of his gratitude and reverence, which he expressed with handmade gifts, as for example a large wall painting which according to Bloch's daughter Gertrude (Trude) Kren (born 1903 in Austria, died 1992 in the US) was lost in the course of time. Even in 1937, Hitler inquired about Bloch's well-being and called him an "Edeljude" ("noble Jew"). Bloch also apparently had a special fondness for the Hitler family, which may have saved his life.


hitler hated funny women.
I think he also hated anyone who was funnier or wittier than him.
germans do not pick the best to lead them. Hitler was a thin skinned weak man.