I feel sad and empty inside

I feel sad and empty inside.

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Have you considered doing gay crime?
t. not a glowie

You’re both fags

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have you considered saying sneed?

watch porn and do not masturbate

the buddha has the solution to end suffering

mild estrogen blockers
walk/sprint until you sweat

yeah and maybe meditation if you ever get to that point of personal / hormonal integration


Its because humans are an evil species and therefor we are doomed to suffer under the weight of our sins. If I would have to guess, you most likely eat animals. I do. So take it from me that humanity is cesspit of evil chimps consume the flesh of so called lesser beings not for survival, but pure satanic indulgence and hedonism.

Is your lack of a gf really worse than living your live as a slave, tortured, just to be consumed by us shit humans. Just us mindless little demon chimps savoring your rightful flesh just because. Because we choose evil. We could eat fruits and vegetables, but something about meat just keeps us coming back. Even though in our heart of hearts, in our childs mind, we remember that the golden rule is to treat others like you want to be treated.

So yeah. Sorry bro. You want some pretty girl to hold your hand and make you feel loved. The animals dont want to be tortured and eaten. Life is cruel and unfair.

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Eat a Chipotle burrito

take the troon pill you will be happy if you cut your balls off

do you mean a crime where the victim is gay
or a crime committed involving a homosexual act
or a a pussy ass bitch crime

All the above simultaneously. Preferably while on drugs


Why, user? Do you have a long term goal, something to constantly work towards?Find something that interests you, anything, and learn/persue it; you wont get any satisfaction doing something you hate. Start eating better and working out. Find someone, anyone who genuinely cares about you and just talk to them. Maybe make plans to move abroad if there is nothing left for you there(what I'm currently in the process of doing). Things will slowly get better.

Listen to emo rage music and feel better.

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Same. Going to kill myself in September.

Don't give up fren.

Where do you guys go for fun on the internet these days?