Free house in the netherland! (only for niggers)

So is it true? Now they're ok to steal your own piece of land to house invaders?

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>ZOG Conservitard HQ
>something major is occuring
>we need to address this or NatSocs will dominate the narrative on this growing issue
>right, lets talk about it on Tucker and make it as gay as possible

At least they're talking about it on a big news station?

>At least they're talking about it on a big news station?
Assertions like these show you lack moral confidence. You have learned helplessness. You believe that your own collective is incapable of influence, and believe that only news stations hold legitimacy. You are wrong. If we were not talking about this, then it would not be on Fox. This system has to address these issues, or deliver a water-down cuked narrative, or else we will talk about it with our narrative and gain influence. Whether Tucker talks about this or not, people will hear about it, and whoever is tlaking about it injects their politicla analysis. If Fox doesn't do this, the our racial worldview dominates. When conservatism adopts issues, grievances and concerns of ours, never be happy about it, because they're effectively attempting to strip us of our voice, our racial grievancea and tone it down into something very kosher and cuked with the goal of neutering it.

Look what Tucker does with the White Genocide narrative. He turns it into "GREAT REPLACEMENT THEORY" and says it's only about 'votes' to hurt the Republican Party. It's not a theory, it's not about votes, it's not to harm the GOP. It's White Genocide, it actively reduces White collective power with the goal of malice. Look how Tucker picks up ABortion. He makes it about 'BLACK BABIES', and says 'HITLER WAS PRO-ABORTION' and that 'WHITE LIBERALS ARE KILLING BLACK BABIES'. At no point does he once mention 'White babies' being killed. The purpose of Tucker and conservative pundits in general is to take our grievances and make merge them into the very anti-white, deracialized, depoliticized narrative of fake trash conservatism and remove any genuine orgnaic White grievance, whiel also throwing in a few anti-Nazi lies.

Conservative Media is the grim reaper of White Grievances. It comes to steal out shit, to deny us a voice, and neuter our politic. Never celebrate when these scum steal our shit. We have legitimacy and they don't.

yeah i don't think you know the meaning of this word.

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You seem well informed user, can you point me to serious source in english?

it's almost painful how pretty she is

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Titilation. They're playing you for fools. Is your legitimacy based on a correct grievance and collective narrative, or is it just flashly graphics, smarmy presenters and hot blondes?

Is there anything more cucked than being a citizen of a Western country?
Your own government steals your money via taxes and then uses it to fund your own genetic annihilation. It's comic book tier evil and they still don't do anything about it lol.

>serious source
More denial of legitimacy. We are a serious source, and far more serious than Tucker "hitler was psychotic pro-abortion, pro-vaxx mass murderer" Carlson. Source for what exactly?

>something major is occurring
sure sure

fucking meme flag.

Dutch Farmers having their land seized by ZOG is pretty major.

Not gonna lie, it helps that Eva is beautiful, but I'm geniously interesting in understanding the situation.

Her name sounds like someone barfing

They do it because whites are the only race standing in the way of the Jew World Order.

That's why some of us start to move to Easter Europe, where our taxes don't fund the mass replacement of our homeland.

Why should I not celebrate when the media is forced to talk about this issue, no matter what faggotry they have to cloak it in? People can see through this bullshit.

A source (in english) for what she's saying: is there really some kind of plan from the Dutch government to get/buy the farmers land and use it to house immigrants?

Well you better hop to it then!

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