Latin american bros

Will latin america remain stagnant or follow the footsteps of the african nations? Considering that their poor ridden countries are now some of the world's current fastest-growing economies
What is the future for LATAM bros

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Just migrate to Africa once it’s a decent place to live. You don’t know how to do much else but move where life is good already. Will be embarrassing cleaning Mgube’s toilets tho

I don't know and don't care, the rest of the continent can just explode for all I care.

Spanish culture although more beautiful and based than Anglo culture, cannot compete with German work ethic.

The reason the US is a top world power is because the large majority of Americans have German ancestry.

Swap your Spanish work ethic and culture of siesta for a German work ethic, and LATAM will take off.

I unironically thought LatAm was the future up until just recently.
You have good population pyramids, the Catholicism is a heretical church but limits the degeneracy, shit loads of land and natural resources. But what changed my mind was they vaxx cuckoldry in the final quarter of the plandemic, you all got tricked like the commie nigger cattle you all are.

Should've used this recent supply chain crisis to redesign and move everything back to the America's, its so weird being completely reliant on nation that the USA is all but in a cold war with at least economically speaking. Imagine what the cold war with russia would have looked like if the two nations were eachothers biggest trading partners

if you stupids can eliminate organized crime you would have super cool fun times

>German work ethic
You do know that the Hispanic Empire was attacked by the world on all sides for 300+ years... right?

"Latino" is a fake identity, FUCK SPICS. Also, America is whiter than your piece of shit region!

Still whiter then you, Tyrone.

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>latin america
it is hispanic america stupid retarded

>"Latino" is a fake identity
yes... it was created by the French.

They are called Hispanics.

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The world has gone to shit ever since the Hispanic Empire was (((balkanized))).

In EUROPE there is a saying:

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Hispanics should try to unify humanity once again, the rest of humanity is trying but things are getting worse. ONLY Hispanics can accomplish this numantine and magnanimous endeavor!

>pic reated

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chile will be the first catholic kingdom soon

>Catholicism is a heretical church
Actually, (((protestantism))) was created by the House of Sajonia to attack Carlos V, after the latter beat them in the FAIR elections.

This Hispanic victory took place in June 28, 1519 (around the same time Luther had his "luminous" experience). By the next year, Luther was marketing elements of his Sajonia-funded religion:
1) August 1520: Government can handle the church (MUH Romans 13)
2) October 1520: Government can CREATE a church (MUH Babylon)
3) November 1520: Government has authority over "good works", not individuals (MUH sola fide was an esoteric metaphor for no free will, UNLESS you're rich)

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I was hoping for Peru to send all their prisoners to Canada as part of the fight against "trump" and later "putin". Then give each convict a knife or gun before leaving them there.


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You do know that organized crime has ALWAYS been government (Jew-S-A), right?

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based and redpilled

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Don't care, i hope this shit just explodes.

My maximum aspiration is to die in the next 5 years. Yes, everything will be alright.

>all those blackpilled faggots in this thread

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