Is everyone okay with the Dutch leading the world to greatness?

I actually am. I have no problems being ordered around by a Dutch version of the SS.

Heil VanHitlerdoorne!

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silence demcuck, each person must be master on his land

100% agree, the best parts of America are Dutch.

FUCK YEAH. I hope the Dutch Go full Sri Lankan on them... did you see that shit in Sri Lanka holy fuck that's how it's done yo. Absolute mob swarm every government building every person holy fuck, can you imagine ...straight up V for Vendetta yo

Anyone anywhere always standing up to tyranny fuck yeah.

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>I have no problems being ordered around
classic Any Forumstard

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I didn't used to think so but one of the best nights / hookups I've ever had was when I crashed a Dutch wedding after a golf tourney in Orange City I think it was. She was so cute and it was just such a fun atmosphere. I miss her bros

>did you see that shit in Sri Lanka holy fuck that's how it's done yo
Yeah it was wild. Good for them

You can have China be your daddy, we will have Vanhoogendoorn be ours

Dutch people are a practical people. In our colonies we just replaced the leadership and then let them run it for us. When the Spaniards besieged our cities we just flooded our lands and let the navy sail inwards to fight them, although they already fled from the water before the navy arrived. When we invaded the UK we just landed with a fleet twice the Spanish armada and waited for the bongs to flee, which they did. In the Americas we sold weapons to narive Americans who then proceeded to kill each other.

There wont be a Dutch SS.

*native Americans

During Roman times Dutch people guarded the inside of the Roman emperors palace. The Salian Franks came from the Netherlands and conquered France when Rome was in decline, and they were already trained as Romans and knew exactly how Romans fought.

>There wont be a Dutch SS.

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Fire up the Dutch ovens it's time to gas some jews!

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They're fucking uppity kulaks that need to be supressed

kek. Hello Carlos

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All non-Americans are losers

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The Dutch are cool.
They taught us how to cut people open with scalpels.
We put that to good use when we worked together with the Nazi's.
So yeah, Japan is in.

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The Kings grandfather was in the Nazi SS and stood guard during the night of the long knives. There are also documented conversations with him and Hitler. His father was in the youth ss. The Queens father was a minister in a military regime that got into power through a coup in Argentina.

I think you are confusing the Dutch with the Danish. The only good guys in the world right now are in Denmark.

That song was a benger.

In Indonesia we put the heads of rebels on a stick as a warning. You have to speak the local language.

Yes, but the land is ours.

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