Be me, Egyptian-American

>be me, Egyptian-American
>used to be proud of muh ancient Egypt
>some Any Forumstards redpilled me about how the ancient Egyptians and North Africans were part of the White race but got ruined with subsaharan admixture which bastardized our race and lowered our IQ
>saw the paintings and reconstructions of light skinned ancient Egyptians and Pharaohs
>realize I'm just a quadroon mongrel with nigger blood who would have been a dickwasher in Ancient Egypt before the real Egyptians went extinct
>read about how the libtard and Egyptian Egyptologists cover it up because they can't admit the truth

Brutal. Absolutely fucking brutal. I would do anything to unswallow this redpill. I need to stop going here, it's terrible for my mental health. What redpills absolutely hit too close to home for you?

Attached: 1438819002847.jpg (1059x962, 312.09K)

Other urls found in this thread: portraits&tbm=isch&client=firefox-b-1-d&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiepJajw-34AhVjkeAKHSiRAA8QBXoECAEQWg&biw=1903&bih=971

I'm a Eurasian bastard with no sense of racial solidarity and was red pilled on this fact. It's over before it began for me.

Idiocy and nonsense. Egypt always was majority Egyptian which are typically olive to copper skinned. There have also been actual subsaharan africans as well as people like light skinned berbers since prehistory. The make-up of Egypt hasn't changed that much. But islam, as well as ALL jewish religion must be done away with. It is heresy and angers real gods.

dont worry, there's enough to start a new country somewhere

>Egypt always was majority Egyptian which are typically olive to copper skinned.

That was the slave race. We white and didn't use the (((metric system))).

No it wasn't, kang retard.

You may want to check the graveyards of Fagg al gamous. Something like 80% northern euro phenotype. portraits&tbm=isch&client=firefox-b-1-d&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiepJajw-34AhVjkeAKHSiRAA8QBXoECAEQWg&biw=1903&bih=971

But then I realized that a lot of Viets are race mixed themselves and I feel a bit better. My parent is full though.

i am still a kang, because we waz aztecs and shieeett... I also have conqueror blood because we also waz spanish settlers and shieeettt.

Kazakhstan is already there. Hawaii too.

It is harder to build than to destroy. Destruction literally happens by default. We should take pride in the accomplishments of prior generations, they show what can be achieved. I don't want to hear some liberal complaining about slavery like the folks working at McDonald's and Walmart are truly free.

Got to be weird knowing you’re a result of your Dads sexual fetishes.

My greatest redpill that I swallowed, is that I have blonde hair and blue eyes, have Austrian blood, and my race will die out in the next generation. Very soon, my people will no longer exist. And the worst part is, we didn't even fight it.

I wish to read/watch this material.

I am an Amerimutt. No African blood but I am a mix of northern European. Not knowing where I can relate. Not having an origin.

They weren't "White" in the European sense, they just had zero nigger genetics unlike modern north Africans. Modern Europeans sit on a spectrum between EEF and Steppe niggers. However we have Ancient Egyptians DNA and they cluster close to Levantine. They were ancient Near Easterners without the nigger DNA, not European. At best maybe they had some EEF DNA, but zero Steppe DNA that really defines northern Europeans.

Attached: PCA_of_three_ancient_Egyptian_samples.png (640x398, 130.45K)

Could be worse. You could live in India.

>They weren't "White" in the European sense

Yes, I'm aware, they weren't genetically European but they were closer to Europeans genetically and weren't tainted by the cursed evil subsaharan nigger blood.

That's enough tequila for now, papi.

It's better to not know your origin. I know I'm Austrian, my grandparents escaped Austria after WW2. When I visit Vienna, and see they're all Asian, Arab, and black, and the writing is all in English, it hurts.

If I told them how I feeling, I don't think they'd care honestly. Some of you actually do.

Edgy Sphinx?

Where can I read about the cover up ?

>>some Any Forumstards redpilled me about how the ancient Egyptians
Kek if it's that easy for your dumbass to believe propaganda on an anonymous image board then it's no wonder retards from here are always shooting up schools. Typical amerimutt

Imagine letting your national pride be destroyed by baseless schizoid infographics made by a pasty incel on Any Forums. You’re an utter disgrace to your people, just kill yourself actually. Look at any piece of ancient Egyptian art, every single person is black haired and olive/brown skinned.