Monkeypox is a Faggot STD

Dr. John Campbell kek

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pretty weird how monkeypox is a fag disease and not a GODDAMN FUCKING WORD nor any promises from Pfizer to keep us safe during the entire month of june where faggots lick eachother's assholes in public in front of 2 year olds.

perfectly kosher.

One of the funniest stats in the video is that 30% plus of the infections were in faggot men who had more than 10 sexual partners in the last month.


Still not a fucking word about the 90%+ sterilization rate.... from this guy.

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Do you think that is relevant? Nobody says he's a saint. Hits and misses. His video about how disgusting faggots are is pushing 300k views. This is a win.

maybe those asshole parasite schizo poster guys were right the whole time.

What's your evidence?

burn in hell jew demon

I knew his accent was gonna be like that from his face

Almost a based Dr., but he is jab fan.

"Monkeypox" is a swine flu tier scam, a double dip while covid19 hysteria was dying down
I mean holy fuck, like 90% of the pictures of it are just a photoshopped bumps on a hand
Imagine talking about it at all
What an idiot

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Fags were seething in the comments because he suggested they tone that down. They're hell bent on being disease vectors and anyone who tries to stop them is a bigot.

monkeypox is weaponized smallpox.
Weaponized smallpox is COVID 2.0

COVID 1.0 was the practice run. This time they will use MONKEYPOX as a cover to shoot people who won't take the shot... which is the mark of the beast. It is smallpox and lots and lots of people will be dying. Make no mistake this is all planned and since it's planned it means the smallpox has to come from the planners doesn't it........

at this point covid probably came from fags or niggers. the amount of effort the first world put into obfuscating where it came from then it's just as possible it was some fucking nog who was patient zero.

strangely enough the first case was caused by accidentally shooting a random 4 year old through bedroom windows at 3am because some dude owed them 40 bucks.

i think it might just be a fag disease like aids.

What are you talking about, sterilisation?

you are AIDS.

Just realize this that if you ever get it in the future it means you are gay

super mega uber chad based of me. killing fags since the '70s


Monkeypoz is better!

He is just poisoning the well by spreading retardedly hyperbolic nonsense.

Dont you know Ezy Smoke got AIDs and he ain't no faggot nigger

Just don't have sex with faggots I guess, and pray no one you have sex with also had sex with a fag
AIDS has always been far more common among fags than among normal people, has the risk of getting AIDS from having sex with a woman ever stopped you? Never stopped me.

Wow, guy who looks like an elderly English doctor sounds like an elderly English doctor?? Could be because he's an elderly English doctor.

hahaha that guy was fucking boy butts in the shadows.

black people back then had a mafia tier code of conduct for other black people. NONE of them would have leaked a fag secret as big as that. it would have fucking rekt the entire hip hop scene if their star was a fucking poofta and light in the loafers. they kept their mouths shut for loyalty and to not melt down the industry because it was their bread and butter.

a lot of butt fucking, masculine, rappers wandering around in the music industry. just get some ghost writer to talk about pussy and whores.

I was supporting them in the comments. All faggots must get monkeypox and die to defeat racism (or something like that).