Oh no native bros we were too cocky

Oh no native bros we were too cocky

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More like fleeing towards free gibs and special status

>These people are fleeing not from
political and social persecution,
but from whiteness
So political and social persecution.

Indio weco, awante el bulla

86.5% of little is still little.

>be me
>100% anglosphere genes
>dark brown hair
>meet girl
>blonde hair, blue eyes, german last name
>is offended about something pointless because she's part native or something
>makes a big stink about it

Pretendians is a good word, I think, it's like those Jafakeian stoner kids.

>Jews changed their names to be more German to avoid persecution
>Americans are changing their racial identification to avoid persecution

this is making me do a big think

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>get zero benefits and get shit on for being white
>check a box to get benefits

Seems logical to me.

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Why could have not been blackness?

half jew, half spruce nigger. absolutely degenerate.

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why would anyone pretend to be a minority that is by leftists claimed to be treated worse?...seems like their own stupid narratives are collapsing on them by people wanting some affirmative action/be treated the same and not worse just because they are white.

why did elizabeth warren lie?


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It's just an anglo thing

yea, whiteness = being discriminated against in college and jobs

Minority status for .gov preference on contracts.

And cheap gas. I drove through a native reserve the other day and gas was fucking 1.56 while it was 1.90 just two hours away where I live. But they had a tier system where if you don't show your native card then you have to pay tax, so it was still actually around 1.65 for whitey.

if being white was an actual privilege every spic and a fair amount of niggers would claim that they are white

>claim to be indian, black, or some weird sexual identity
>get free gibs courtesy of social programs, cultural and societal updoots, and the fear of everyone of offending you for fear of being sued
Why wouldn't you claim to be some retarded minority at this point? You basically have to. That's why I always say I'm trans, black, and disabled on my job applications. I'm making 80k a year as a coder and I've never written a single line of code. They just send me spreadsheets and I put in random numbers and they tell me how much of a "hard worker" and a "good employee" I am. If you aren't doing a minority grift in the current year, I don't know what you're doing with your life my dudes.

I mean, we, the white, are natives.

Gas is different on reserves vs off reserve.

>American Indian
I don't know anything about American Indians but I do about an American livestreaming in India, come hang out with fellow anons and marvel at daily life in a superpower country.

Point being all the white "privilege" is completely imaginary or more people would larp as white.

Why aren't more people fleeing to be a hook nosed Jew?

reminds me of this gem

My neighbor has a native last name but is blonde haired, blue eyed asf. Meanwhile I'm Scots-Irish all the way back and I look darker. AFAIK you have to be on a reservation or the child of someone on a res to get any benefits.