Trudeau heckled again


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elected 3 times in a row

will win again.

cope and seethe.

And apparently that's a good thing

>Trudeau haters can't even speak English correctly

Pm is elected user…

Fuck off chang

bitch cunt is fucking toast

he will be hated, followed, heckled for the rest of his life

the entire fucking world knows what he is

if he gets 404'd by a disgruntled vet, would anyone really be bothered?

he win x 3

little boi hides behind his little flag cos he's a little boi
*pats your head"
yeah yeah

Facts dont care about your feelings.

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none of this will happen.
only in your mind.

Mind your koalas

Isn't it time for another booster ? Crikey mate

Got 'im!

Not a lot of security, huh?


Hope nuthin bads happens to him.

he's so hated here
you can't vote these guys out for fucks sake.

What a fag. You call that security? My sides.

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>bunch of uneducated retards fall for facebook propaganda sponsored by the ccp
lol nice
inb4 kike shill globohomo
youre all 15 years behind and slow retards

got a version of the vid without some rando taking up half the screen?

I thought he was saying "boo urns"

The entire country hates Trudeau, you dumb kike shill globohomo faggot lol.

What does American security look like ? Please show us

>Let's go Brandon!
Dumb people just give them more fuel for their narratives and comtempt. I wish the working class would shut up for now.

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Trudeau is a gag
He is so disconnected from society

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anyone get trudeau's reaction to being called castro's bastard?

he is protested wherever he goes

as for anything more serious? no clue, don't wanna know, he has broken the law several times which in my opinion is the most urgent issue that needs to be dealt with legally so that it does not happen again. it is still a few months out before court really starts taking off for Charter violations committed by Cabinet decree