India's economy is growing at a rapid pace, and it is on the path towards becoming a first world country

India's economy is growing at a rapid pace, and it is on the path towards becoming a first world country.

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They're like toddlers with technology.

Based. I love India.

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2030 superpower!

They’ll be high on meth and banging trannies in no time. If they aren’t already.

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The Palk Strait is a social construct

>calls pajeet for tech support

You forgot bobs seen and vagueness asked for. Fucking bastard bloody amateur bitch.

It's the world's most populous White country.

t. bhenchod

It can never be a first-world country due to the caste system. India will always have a lower living standard than a multitude of other countries.

…as long as it westernises.

Immigration has unironically ruined India.

All the smart or rich ones fled to the West. All that is left are the stupidest and weakest. How can any Nation expect to become a superpower when all their best and brightest flee to greener pastures? Hideous parasites that they are.

Hitler warned about this very thing. Nobody listened.

What you mean is that emigration has ruined India.

>implying it had any redeeming features after the Brits exited

I'm sorry Paki bro, but I can't trust anything you say about India to be objective and impartial.


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Fair enough


It's growing but low iq religious niggers rule another 1b low iq religious niggers. so not a lot of potential. Should have gone the Mao way in the 50's

Says nobody. Country with average 80 iq has never become first world country. This can literally never happen. You mistaken for China or something.