Aus/pol - day of the lord edition

It's Sunday, cunts. Join me in prayer.

>Dear Lord, thank you for getting me through another week, unharmed. Amen.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Anyone here tried out for the ADF?

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Praise him

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I kek'd.

1.Scott Morrison
2.Paul Keating
3.Kim Beazley Snr
4.Bob Hawke
5.Kim Beazley Jnr
6.Alan Jones
7.John Singleton
8.Lohn Laws
9.Kerry Packer
10.Gordon Moyes
11.George Pell
12.Rupert Murdoch
13.Ray Hadley
14.Bob Carr
15.John Avery
16.Dr Neville Davis
17.Richie Benaud
18.Jeff Kennett
19.Bruce Spence
20.Rosalind Croucher
21.John Gittenger
22.Paul Wilson
23.Dr Leonas Petrauskas
24.Tony Bevan
25.Dr Antony Kidman
26.Justice David Yeldham
27.Roger Climpson
28.Molly Meldrum
29.Frank Houston
30.Don Talbot
31.Scott Volkers
32.Rolf Harris
33.Alexander Downer
34.Rod Woodham
35.Clarence Osborne
36.Kevin Lynch
37.Gough Whitlam
38.Neville Wran
39.John Kerr
40.Robert Hughes
41.Michael Kirby
42.Roger Rogerson
43.John Bell
44.Don Bourke
45.Graham Kennedy
46.Bert Newton
47.Don Lane
48.Lionel Murphy
49.Stuart Wagstaff
50.Marcus Einfeld
51.John Marsden
52.Robert Menzies
53.Slim Dusty


Adorable. Stupid, but adorable.

OP is a pedo kike

World Piracy Forum

You will pay nothing

and you WILL be happy

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dear baby jesus
you are a jew

Who has the archive of the bloke who
>went on plenty of fish
>told women he was a cuck
>have the women he told confess that they were abused and sexually assaulted
>have the battered women in their late 20's send him drawings that look like they were done by children

retard boomer faggots have been posting retard shit like this for ages.
Turned out to be 1 schizo tried to bring loose case against him kek. Until something actually happens it's all larping. My point about telegram is these retards sit there in echo chambers sucking each others dicks sharing shit that they claim is new. And i put the 'secret' in there because telegram is pozzed as fuck. Might as well use fb messenger. Maybe if they spread less qtard shit and actual stuff with evidence I'd take them as credible.

You're a dickless eunuch.

At least it keeps their cancer contained, somewhat.

the pedo is named here

Thought I had it but can't find it, sorry user, also tried having a bit of a search for it but no luck on my end either

you gloew

Lol @ retards calling me a pedo. If you don't like me, go get an unpozzed IP address, and create your own fucking thread.

Fuck that last thread was hectic for a Sunday morning. Going out to chop some firewood to decompress

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Do you guys get extra for working on a Sunday?

100% its why he gets upset
>no one else would care that much
i put up random names.
normal cunts sus it.
get dissapointed in a name ...
>slim dusty as an example
then move on

i went to a mates house yesterday, got drunk and sharted on his couch i realized at about 3 am panic! so i got up and left, i sharted because i am loose and regularly use a dildo, he hasnt texted me yet, i think im just going to ghost and never see him again

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>Lol @

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Happy Sunday cunts.

I'm joining the reserves in a few months.

I think masks are retarded and useless but there aren't secret bacteria robots in them you schizo faggots.

That's exactly what a pedo would say

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Got your booster yet?

Why wont somebody do something. Archived this article from the last thread because I was interested in what it had to say but it was behind paywall.
>Victorian Labor MPs and epidemiologists have urged the government to do more to lower the state’s nation-leading COVID-19 death rate, while some suggest the Andrews government is putting politics ahead of public health by avoiding discussion about the pandemic.

Original link if anyone was interested in the comments

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fuck off you cuck glowie cunt. why are you talking about schizo cunts on telegram when i linked a twitter post of a video? your glow is incredible and you should shoot yourself with your service issued pistol you faggot hahahah

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Hey I have a question: Do you ever stop and think how retarded you sound? Or does this idea never cross your mind?

You have to remember that all non-Americans have an inferiority complex. They have a psychological need to be butthurt over America as a defense mechanism against their insecurities. Every moment of their lives revolve around America and every single one of them is desperately in love with America despite all the shit they talk. Consider how they willingly spend all their time hanging around Americans on American websites like Any Forums. What they really want is for Americans to recognize their existence and validate them, and when we don't appeal to their insecure needy satisfaction they get asspained and lash out. They are getting angry reading this and the overt declaration of the truths in this post, but none of them will leave Any Forums despite the painfully illogical act of spending all your time hanging around Americans if you actually hate them. Their actions speak for themselves, non-Americans are like insecure girls desperately looking to be noticed from the alpha male and trash talking as a means to make themselves feel better when they don't get the attention they crave..

>secret bacteria robots in them you schizo faggots
you never know, the science is there, nanobots are already real, maybe inside us already

Here you go user.....

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