White people, are you sorry for slavery?

Apologize, right now!

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I'm sorry that niggers were ever brought from the stone age to White Man's territory

It was to give der womyn's blackie's rock hard penises, because they are big and stronq. The rest is, as they say, history.

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We should have exterminated you instead.

Sorry that the jews enslaved you. Now can you go back to Africa?

>This little exercise should be mandated in all public and private school's, btw. You goys just can't be trusted, otherwise. White people are evil. Just look at Thomas Jefferson. That's the father of America, who raped slaves. We have to erase our heritage of racism, in favor of one of peace and Afrocentrism, for reparations. Obama is now the new Thomas Jefferson, whitie.

My people came to America from Germany just months before WWI. Neither me nor my people got shit to apologize for.

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this. we should have picked our own cotton

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>Pictured: the nigger who killed all positive race relations in the U.S.

Damn, she looks like she Just craves BBc. Can't wait to see her fine race of nappy headed future leader offspring, after she gets blacked. Black people just make better leaders, whitie. Just look at Obama.

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Nope and I have documentation that my 4th great grandfather was gifted negro servants as a wedding gift from his in-laws. I feel no guilt not bare any shame that my ancestors knew the value of outsourcing the shit jobs no one wants to do.

Obama freed the slaves just as much as Lincoln. Whitey said hands off our women's until I bingo showed up, and then he rang the funerary toll for the white race. Now, the races can finally mix, and niggers...I er... Uh black people can become good American peace loving citizens, finally. Fuck white people

>Black people just make better leaders, whitie. Just look at Obama.
Well, Obama is as black as Kamala and that bitch granddaughter of a slave owner ain't black.
All mixed races get the wall.

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definitely what a normal non-schizo thinks when seeing an attractive woman

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I'm sorry it ended.

You talk a lot of shirts about us niggers, but we bang your women on the daily. If your lucky enough to have a white womyn have you by the balls she makes you her slave. Us niggers show up, bang the shit out of her, and then make her our breeding cow. If anything, we're the ones reestablishing the natural order for your race. White women just naturally are submissive and obedient to black men, they instinctively respect them more and feel safer with them. White """""" men""""" are naturally effeminate, so, women, naturally, hating themselves, hate white men. She loves us negroes, doe. I've fucked numerous white women and can personally attest to this.

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no, as long as it's Godly law that is the reason for a persons enslavement.

If anything blacks should be thanking white people for slavery for giving them and there future generations civilization