America First is bas-

America First is bas-

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What is the Any Forums opinion on Steven Crowder?

if only he knew the things I would do to that little jew

lmao someone tell that faggot that he belongs in the oven

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You think she would have gotten better treatment at Auschwitz if she was black and jewish?

That nigger is so deep in the closet he's finding Christmas presents

>Get access to ball point pen before it is even invented to the masses
>Not privileged.

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She did have Jewish privilege if Anne frank was black nobody would know her name…

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Is this real?

Cringey and annoying controlled op

He's a big ol' unfunny queer, but he triggers twitterfags and is a healthy first dose of redpills for normies

His rumble audience is xtremely antisemitic, I should know I’m on of them

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He's a good primer for entry level right wing politics, anyone completely shitting on him is a shill.

>tfw no Anne Frank to put in the masturbation machine

So privileged that it is treated as a real person.

that dude sucks so much jew cock its ridiculous. hes got that jew fuck greenburg on speeddial

Unfunny try hard faggot that's needs to hurry up and come out of the closet already.

neo-con grifter

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Steve Chowder reveals we should list jews as having white privilege without naming them as jews. I'll start. George Soros has white privilege.

The absolute GALL of these people to suggest that Anne Frank (a white WOMAN) has white privilege. Unbelievable. Everyone knows only men have white privilege.

He's an ignorant cuck. He cares about what blacks think of him and what others think he thinks of blacks. Seems like the type to post black dicks and interracial porn here to 'troll some Nazis.' He's the type that would rather fight to keep blacks or Jews around than do anything substantial to defend whites. Another one that agrees with the foundational principles/lies of the enemy in regard to race, at a minimum.

He’s good for fence sitters. However his helpers are quite annoying because all they do is laugh even when he doesn’t say anything

depends who you ask, I think he is a grifter and a larper, low intelligence. plays dress up with a fucking gun holster, does so much cringe shit too. only thing I like about him is the "change my mind" stuff in American universities because I enjoy watching retarded students who think they are Socrates, their hubris is delicious

Republicucks sure do love their masters.

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>america first
what kind of psyop is this?

America First refers to the Catholic Christian Groyper Nationalists; not Ben Shapiro and the gang.

Anne Frank did have white privilege. Imagine if she was black. Literally, no one would know or care about her story.

America First originally was a big-tent ideology that... put America First. It's since then been co-opted by a variety of unsavory spics, coons, micks, niggers, jews, and worst of all, catholic.

Absolutely disgusting to be associated with any of that anymore. maybe if you don't care about optics or your reputation

i mean he's right. she was a kike, not white

The privilege is all mine, Anne.

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projecting, baseless claims for no reason.

But I don't care about her now. Nothing is different.

you would rescue her and set her free, r-right, user?

Good at impersonations, but Landau is funnier

Thats based
He is saying jews aren't white