Why don’t you workout?

Why don’t you workout?

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Because I'm jewish and i buy child whores with money

What a retard. You always go slow and steady with heavy weight

i do i just do pushups and lift weights not this fucking man-made knee warper

I knew that was coming.

fucking legs looked like a scissor-lift god damn

Minor sprain he'll be fine

Because I'm lazy

I do, I lift 4x/week.


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based ostrich leg press


i’m disabled

Roiders will never be real men. They all do gay for pay to fund their drug addiction. Pathetic.

I wish I could unsee that. I really really wish I could unsee that. Can I go back in time?

we know, we saw the webm

My wage slaving is my workout.

I'm so happy my knees naturally don't hyper-extend. Can't lock my knees like some people can.

No, but you are not supposed to be on this board anyways. 18+ little fella, shoo shoo, go to sleep.

But I do! Gotta stay in shape in order to conduct domestic terrorism

Working out is for faggots
A real man does not care about his appearance
That's what women do

I'm noticing a trend at the gym: the fat fucktards (like OP vid) always push the heaviest weights in the most retarded fashion imaginable. They're always grunting, screaming and shitting themselves while doing so. The people with the best physiques never do heavy weights and move the weight in controlled motion at >10 reps.

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Locking out the joint
Rookie mistake

It's two words, retard

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If you mean going to the gym and lifting weights and fucking around with basedboi machines, I don't because it's retarded. I do other types of physical training.

I've got metal all up and down my spine. Plus my mother didn't raise me properly so my bones are weak. Shit sucks. Enjoy your lifting for me, bros, some of us legitimately can't.

I'm too tired from my wagie cage and I don't like being around other people to go to a gym.

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