You guys ever notice

How the less white the USA becomes, the more literally everything deteriorates?

Attached: blackOfficers.png (698x712, 830.29K)

Nah. Nobody on this board noticed that.


It's hard to tell at first but it's so obvious after that.

no, i never put 2 and 2 together until you mentioned it just now..
makes sense...

no i hadn't noticed

Attached: 1657390269460.jpg (480x760, 50.87K)

And that's a good thing.

Stop noticing things goy

OP here,
who is wanting this? wanting everything to deteriorate? What do they get out of everything collectively collapsing?

Explain in more detail.
The US army is currently more powerful than all of Europe, Russia, and China put together, while in WW2 it could barely defeat little old Germany, and it wouldn't have if not for the USSR doing most of the work.
Diversity makes us stronger.

>What do they get out of everything collectively collapsing?
Are you kidding, they get to:

Shift blame to nigger women for the collapse
Shift blame to whites for not helping the nigger women
Shift blame to zoomers for not helping their white parents help nigger women
So forth and so on......

Nobody is trying to replace whites.
Immigration has always happened since the dawn of time. For 99.9% of recorded human history concepts like race and racial purity did not exist. It's only with the rise of the Germanic races in the last 5 centuries that we started seeing these ideas.
The US used to be 100% brown, then it was 90% white, now it's maybe 70% white. In the future it might be 50% white, and in the far future it might be back to 90% white, because immigration and the flow of people is constant.

if less white is bad, how come when americunts were all white they got invaded so easily?

weak whites, that's how, now fuck off, you lost, better luck next time peckerwooded whitoided cracker ass cracker

Attached: Dumb-Ass Cracker.jpg (828x511, 43.48K)

No shit

Attached: Jews invade.webm (960x530, 2.3M)

((They)) brag about it you moron.

>For 99.9% of recorded human history concepts like race and racial purity did not exist
Why are you lying? Most known ancient cultures had concepts of ethnicity, ethnic heritage, and ethnoreligious warfare was the norm. What did the Hebrews do to the Moabites, lying Kike?

if blacks vanished from the planet, what sector of society would suffer?

Calm down Xiao Ping

The sectors of violent crime, rape, and poverty would all suffer 80% losses

Blacks aren’t human


It's a symptom, not a cause. Weak whites allowed this to happen.

>, the more literally everything deteriorates?
I deal with a team of indians...
it is difficult to get work done because they are constantly asking me how to do stuff.
They could go look it up themselves and learn but they just write down what I say and use it like a script instead of trying to understand.
The result is everything falls apart and I am now constantly fighting fires when they break shit. They don't know how shit works or interacts.
Instead of being able to rely on the other team members and moving the product forward making it better. I'm now just preventing it all from collapsing.
I will be moving on soon. The service I work for will stop functioning within a year.

Nigger you serious.

You mean liberals and Jews.

People have always known about race and good genetics. Egyptian hieroglyphics clearly distinguish between the different colors within Egypt. They are shown as having different roles and statuses. The Roman's hated ethnic gauls, and even hated ethnic southern italians at times. The greeks in the Iliad distinguish the dark and clearly blonde/white skinned people. Racism stems from the innate knowledge that someone who looks different is on the move and is invading by the fact of interaction. People from the same area generally look the same, within parameters.
