China is waging a propoganda war on Any Forums

I know you notice it. Its fucking obvious.
Those threads go something like...
>why america do dis?
>why are americans stupid
>why is america collapsing
etc, etc, etc.

These are all China shills, creating threads to break you down.
Don't reply to them.

China is responsible for funding BLM, CRT in schools, transgenderism and many other things to try and subvert and destroy America.

>but the jews!!!
China is the greatest threat American faces today. By a mile.

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china is full of seething manlets, nobody cares about their faggy demoralization threads.
they eat fucking dogs for God's sake who gives a shit about a yellow skinned chink

not my problem..

blame liberal kikes form making China what they are TODAY..

refute that.. ill wait

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post up the .webm that destroyed a nation, i dare ya. maybe chinkoids have a point to be made.

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weird way to spell "the jews"

I wonder who helped prop up China into the superpower that it is...

Example number 1

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>muh ghina
w/e rabbi

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>post up the .webm that destroyed a nation
Holy shit, where do we start?

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Kikes about to get punch, then: China bad!!

>China is waging a propoganda war on Any Forums.
Oh well as long as they're the only ones..

im german and i hate jewmerica so much its unreal.
YOUR Country is the antichrist.

China didn't turn my country in the nigger/spic filled slum with the highest inflation in decades. They didn't set up grooming programs for children in public schools and fill the news with lies and slander. They don't attack us for speaking out against this clown world and throw us in jail when we defend ourselves from the nigger apes destroying our cities and towns.

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>China didn't...

Here it is. Shill tactic 101. China and Russia has always used subversion, and supported like minded and bought off politicians. Funded climate change, and radical leftist groups.

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>muh china boogeyman
>then downplays jewish influence on western decline
apply spice and herbs

China and Russia are all the way on the other side of the world. My enemies are all right here.

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>Promoting critical race theory
Fucking chin...
>To american kids

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I've lived in China and found it to be very low crime rate, socially conservative, healthy masculine nationalism and racial pride. Of course China is exploiting western racial tensions, because they're smart enough to know diversity IS A WEAKNESS unlike our leaders in the west.

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>China is the greatest threat American faces today. By a mile.

Ok NATO glowie.

You can actually troll the living shit out of them and you can get them in trouble with their bosses

I've gotten shills disappeared before
You can bait them into talking about disallowed things

Their systems scan chinese easier, so use google translate to say fucked up shit to them or implicate them in treason.


Thank you for telling me about Tiananmen Square, I didn't know your government was so brutal with peaceful protesters. I agree with you that you should overthrow your government, let me know if there is anything I can do to help you.

Meds xd

Okay that's pretty based.
Many people think that Communism doesn't work, but they are mistaken. Communism works, and so are its derivatives like CRT. But you are not supposed to build it at yourself, you are supposed to build it at those whom you want to absolutely DESTROY, this way it will work and your goals will be attained. I see chinks already learned a truth about Communism being anti-nation class weapon.
Amermutts were spreading that shit long enough. It's a long due for them to taste it on their own hides. Considering that Communism inflicts absolutely savage harm even on very old and strong nations when it lands, and mutts technically aren't nation at all, it will simply unmake them, leaving nothing at all. Stronger than any nuclear war.

> China is responsible for funding BLM, CRT in schools, transgenderism and many other things to try and subvert and destroy America.

C'mon schlomo, you cannot possibly pretend that these destructive phenomena weren't years in the making. The slow march through the institutions happened, then thy turned back and marched again. Then they shat all over the hallways.
But the foundations for all of this was laid in the 50s, 60s and 70s, when chinese were trying not to get kulak'ed in the Great Leap Forward.

Been saying this for years and no one listens

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