Redpill me on SA being Roastfeef/Beefstake Nazis

First saw the term Beefstake Nazis on pol and thought user would use the term because the SA was the "muscle" and enforcers in the early days of 3rd Reich.
But now I learned the term was used because many KPD commies joined SA when the Nazis took over. Brown on the outside, red on the inside.
I didn't know this. Did they join because they wanted action and career options no matter how and where or did they join because they planned to inflitrate from the inside and nudge the Nazis towards communism or even organize a coup d'état? Which lead to the night of the long knifes?
I have a family member who went to a NAPOLA as a child but he taught me "Spaniens Himmel", the hymn of the Thälmann column when I was a child.
Do you have more info about this or recommended literature?

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> I didn't know this. Did they join because they wanted action and career options no matter how and where or did they join because they planned to inflitrate from the inside and nudge the Nazis towards communism or even organize a coup d'état? Which lead to the night of the long knifes?
I think they joined because they realized Hitler and National Socialism were superior at achieving the things Communists claimed to be for (social justice, workers’ rights, freeing the nation from global capitalism, etc.)

Wiki claims Röhm was more nationa-socialist than the actual Nazis.

Ernst Röhm, SA co-founder and later commander, developed an "expanding Röhm-cult"[7] within the SA ranks through which many members sought a revolutionary socialist regime, radicalizing the SA.[8] Röhm and large segments of the Nazi Party supported the 25-point National Socialist Program for its socialist, revolutionary and anti-capitalist positions, expecting Hitler to fulfill his promises when power was finally attained.[8] Since Röhm had "considerable sympathy with the more socialist aspects of the Nazi programme",[9] "turncoat Communists and Socialists joined the Nazi Party for a number of years, where they were derisively known as 'Beefsteak Nazis'."[10]

Röhm's radicalization came to the forefront in 1933–1934 when he sought to have his plebeian SA troopers engage in permanent or "second revolution" after Hitler had become Chancellor. With 2.5 million stormtroopers under his command by late 1933,[9] Röhm envisaged a purging of the conservative faction, the "Reaktion" in Germany that would entail more nationalization of industry, "worker control of the means of production", and the "confiscation and redistribution of property and wealth of the upper classes."

How would Nazi Germany have looked like if Röhm had succeeded?

>I think they joined because they realized Hitler and National Socialism were superior at achieving the things
and yet they were killed or imprisoned? sounds like a waste of potential then.

SA was brown on the outside and brown on the inside.

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Some joined because they wanted to use the NSDAP as a front for their agenda (Like Strasser).

> Did they join because they wanted action and career options no matter how and where or did they join because they planned to inflitrate from the inside and nudge the Nazis towards communism or even organize a coup d'état?
I'm not an expert in this period of history specifically. If I had to guess, I'd say that the precarious social situation in Weimar drove a lot of people into the KPD and other parties out of desperation, and many of them probably changed their minds and switched sides when reality clashed with their expectations.

I'd be willing to be that there was at least one organized group of communists who were trying to infiltrate and gain control of the NSDAP because that has generally been the Leninist MO throughout history.

>Do you have more info about this or recommended literature?
Maybe The Outlaws by Ernst von Salomon. It's a semi-fictional account of the life of a cadet who joins the Freikorps at the end of WW1 and goes around trying to put down communist revolutions and fighting as a mercenary.

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A few SA leaders were executed, most most rank-&-file SA stormtroops accepted the New Order with open arms

SA as South America or South Africa?

>How would Nazi Germany have looked like if Röhm had succeeded?
Probably not good because that guy wanted to replace the Wehrmacht with the SA as Germany’s national army, which would’ve put it at a great military disadvantage with the Western powers
Strasser came from the Social Democrats, not the Communists

Sturmabeilung, dumbass

Because SA were bouncers and not soldiers?

Pretty much

Röhm and the SA were planning to take over the Reichswehr by putting their people in high ranking positions of the army.
That would not only have lowered the quality of the armed forces, but also gone against an agreement that Hitler had (and kept) with Reichspräsident Hindenburg, to keep the Reichswehr seperate from party affairs. Röhm was also allowing National Bolshevists in his ranks. Bolshevism is an ideology based on world revolution through infiltration. Such a thing could not be allowed in party ranks.
A few select few SA-members were purged and the rest just moved into other party brances, like the Allgemeine SS

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Also because a lot of military skill, training and experience existed in the upper classes. Rohm's redistribution and class warfare would've removed a vital part of Germany's war machine.

class solidarity > class war so long as the upper classes can be brought to heel.

>class solidarity > class war so long as the upper classes can be brought to heel
Pretty much this. Hitler didn't tell the rich to help the poor. He instead said "help your fellow German!"
And where once were freezing and starving families, suddenly everyone had food and shelter

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>How would Nazi Germany have looked like if Röhm had succeeded
According to the Polish Politician Janusz Korwin-Mikke the EU is the 3rd Reich if Röhm would have succeeded just browner. Also he once said in EU parliament that he preferred Hitlers occupation to the EU occupation because taxes were lower.

but as far as I know Hitler did this too. I've seen a comparison of social background of military leaging figures between 3 Reich and Pre, peri and post WW1. It said that pre 3 Reich most of the names had aristocratic or big money background names. During 3 Reich there were more middle class or working class names in the high ranks

>please please spoonfeed me
it's not hars to find the information you seek
kill yourself you useless waste of space

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they were national socialists, hitler was just a retard

Hitler did that by reconciling Germany’s productive classes and funding free education for workers so they can rise into the ranks of army commanders, not by class war and simply taking property and wealth from the aristocrats/industrialists and just handing them over to the workers

That doesn't mean they were purged, it means the traditional class hierarchy made way for a more meritocratic system that drew from all classes instead of just the upper classes that were nepotistic as far as upward mobility in the ranks were concerned.