Shut Down DC is paying for "confirmed sightings" of Supreme Court Justices

I mean yeah this seems like a pretty waterproof plan. Chuds seething at how well-thought out this operation is.

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What plan?

yeah it would be totally bad if someone started falsly reporting antifa or democratic politicians houses

So the endgame is to show up and "protest" (lol) and be annoying?

>I mean yeah this seems like a pretty waterproof plan. Chuds seething at how well-thought out this operation is.

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Oy vey we didn't know that mentally ill trump supporters would see our location reveals

40 years ago you would assume this was the fbi trying to catch bad guys… but in 2022 it’s the fbi trying to award bad guys

Do NOT assassinate politicians
This is terrible optics

Time to send false reports to ShutdowmDC. Aaaand GO.

Kek right. This is normalized left behavior

I love this. It'll solidify our 2A rights for 100+ years. These protests will turn violent and illustrate why everyone needs the right of self-defense. We might get open carry without permit in NYC and DC if this keeps up.

Like the FBI doesn't already know their locations. Is this how they recruit new agents?

extremely based

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Lol, $200 ain't shit when you're doing 80 years for accessory to murder of a SCOTUS judge.

i think their plan is for someone to violate the server rules and get banned in minecraft
they dont endorse it though

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Sri lankans attack the government because they ruined our economy and put millions of people without gas and food

American liberals attack the government because white women can't kill babies


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>thinking a judge getting plinked is gonna solidify 2A rights
every judge will instantly turn on the 2nd if one of their own gets dome pieced

checked and who gives a shit, its based

Checked. Nice flag man.

Reported to fbi

no, i dont think i will
i wanna see how far they take it
>buh buh buhh we gotta protect heckin politcian-arinoooos!

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thats not enough to operate on

not going to happen lol, but I could envision these becoming typical 'protests' involving vandalism etc

checked and stay safe out there


Find some doppelgängers and torture these lefties

>The Plan
>Have your back story straight
>Be able to pull off you are in fact a service worker at X
>Research restaurants with Jewish owners. Not hard in DC.
>DM flash mob
>Be prepared to be vetted and provide bona fides
>Make it seem urgent as if they just sat down. This gives them only about an hour or so to call in the mob

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Which makes me think it’s neocons behind it. Real lefties would give much more money.

Yes. Hilarious. Have some old lifelong DC resident harassed by white liberals because he looks a bit like Clarence Thomas.

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this is a great idea
it's possible the justices could read all the news about poor girls who (can't close their legs) can't get an abortion, and make more liberal decisions in the future
by fucking with their personal lives, you'll guarantee they are angry instead of compassionate every time an ambiguous case comes up, and they'll vote to fuck the protesters
hound those lazy bastards every day until they repeal everything back to the early 1900s and fix your dumb, sick country

a lot of good that did shinzo abe

I’m sure they won’t get the “Build The Wall” or “Insurrection” treatment.

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Don't give a shit. You had your chance during the election to stop this fucking madness, you punted. Fuck the lot of you.

>dome pieced
Anyone here translate idiot to English?

>These protests will turn violent and illustrate why everyone needs the right of self-defense.
The BLM riots didn't do that, nothing will.

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>go to jail for harassment but you got 50 bucks
Wow smart move.

i think, at least...

You don't fit in here.

the fact that republicans dont do this for every democrat politican just shows how lazy stupid and cowardly whites have become, its an embarrassment at this point

The USA needs to starve before most of the parasites in this thread get beaten the fuck out.

I want to watch the US spiral into another civil war. It’s time

would be a shame if someone spotted kavanaugh and when the mob arrives, they only find a van full of fertilizer and gasoline.

Does anyone actually care about this? The Supreme Court is not on our side. They refused to look at election fraud. They also leaked the abortion ruling on purpose just to give Democrats more votes in the midterms.

I really don't give a shit if Antifa retards are stalking the Supreme Court. Sometimes people get what they deserve.

You don't fit in here, your shill game is weak.