What are things that sound "racist" but are verifiably true

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Black people are violent retards on the whole

Don’t monkey around with socialism

kikes are pure evil

White people are pussies that never will do anything to save themselves from destruction


Attached: ....gif (245x150, 817.16K)

Mexi nuggets taste delicious.

Attached: qLvKQUfMWGcCJZu-800x450-noPad.jpg (750x421, 61.53K)

white people have small dicks and cant dance

IQ is ~80% hereditary

Asians have highers IQs, commit less crime, and have better, more homogenized cultures than wh*tes.

enjoy your homogony

commie scum

Attached: 1657370653094.webm (320x240, 714.71K)

Hюхaй бэбpy

Brown skin is the color of poopoo.

Black people have better skin than white people
Less redness, less dry skin, less acne, fewer wrinkles.

The word nigger starts with an N

Sounds tasty

Wow, this is brutal.. the Truth is asians aren't different of any other country, wageslaves and maybe because of the oceans of people that there is (specially in china) they desensitized even for a fragile human being (not saying its the case for all of them, but yet majority)

Most non-whites are a lifetime net drain on society

To make an omelette you need to break a few eggs, and to make a plantation you need to break a few bucks

As far as china is concerned I believe their reported IQ figures about as much as I believe the product descriptions on wish.com.

Chink skin is even better than niggers leather skin as well.

Chinks can’t drive.

Attached: Chink road kill.webm (640x360, 2.46M)

I believe it. Dumb people get shoved in boxes in China. Dumb people get celebrated on social media for being killed by police while high as fuck on fentanyl methamphetamine in America.

Jews control Hollywood

White people only know how to cook BBQ

what do you mean , did you see the driver slow down or change course at all ? he was late for an important meeting