What is he up to?

Attached: evilfaggot23.jpg (850x863, 103.79K)

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North Dakota is a red state
And they just cucked
It’s over
The left won

How many tractors does he own?

>What is he up to?
ok this is just a crazy theory but maybe he wants to control the food supply
i know, it's crazy


Well he invested 600 billion in a certain Dutch supermarket company that doesn't need Dutch farmers and their stuff.

Bill gates owns something like 300k out of the 1 billion acres of farm land in America. That he presumably rents out to farmers as an investment, just like people buying an apartment building

he's probably going to try out new agriculture methods with robots, gmos, pesticides
but he shouldnt get that much land

gmos and more chemical shit can fuck off
but robot agriculture makes sense though, bring that on

robots should work 24 7 to feed humans

How many of the people who approved it are dead?


Attached: Picnic gates.png (906x394, 66.95K)

Farmland will be used for bug-burger factories and FEMA camps.

Your dumb as fuck user. Bill Gates isn’t left or right, he’s the same corporate shit as everyone else with lots of power. He doesn’t give a shit about your or anyone’s views on social issues. It’s all money.

Sorry for being mean. Please insert heroin into your arm to feel better.

fuck you you piece of shit you're trash kill yourself fucking dumbass bitch ass nigger shitface garbage fuckbag bitchass faggot ass nigger ass brown bitch cocksucker faggot youre not even a real person the fuck are you on about go back to the scrapyard in china fucking dumb worth less piece of shit

Nah he's a eugenicist like his Rockefeller friends.

What happens when Bill Gates dies?

Meditate on your anger user. Peace is found within.

Buying land to make a plantation and put white boys like you to work in the fields under nigger masters.

The common answer given for why there shouldn't be a wealth cap is that wealth/the economy is not a zero sum game and more can be created. Earning a dollar doesnt necessarily mean someone else lost a dollar, right? Well given that land, particularly arable land is a finite resource, can someone explain why there shouldn't be a cao on the amount of land one can own? Every acre Bill Gates owns is an acre someone else cannot own.

What a dumb slut you are. Sad

Take the land. If he wants it, he can send his army, and they can fight his battle for him. Or, hunt him down and actually finish the job. Really surprised nobody is already doing that.

Fuck, I’m a eugenicist though. Steve Hsu is literally a god to me. I hope he creates 1000 IQ children with embryo selection or DNA editing & saves the world from low IQ powerful people & governments.

And China bought land in the Dakotas as well.

Attached: HLhO.gif (750x750, 16.3K)

Field fires have been common this year with all this intense heat also better be careful cause they’re are plenty of chemicals that make soil unusable or parasites that ruin whole crops. Bills a smart guy though so I’m sure he has worked out those details and no one could get in his way

His family inherits a lot of farm land and Microsoft stock in that case.

Unironically saving us from ourselves

His daughter and her black boyfriend will start a humanitarian group for Kangs

Hopefuly working to end this hellworld more quickly

IF he dies...