Why are western zogbots all leaving ukraine if they are winning?

Why are western zogbots all leaving ukraine if they are winning?

Attached: Screenshot from 2022-07-09 18-29-30.png (1685x1281, 1.38M)

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Wars over Russia lost two more weeks till Moscow is rubble

Imagine being this narcissistic not you OP the guy in the pic

If you had bothered reading the post, he says he's leaving due to health problems.

kikebots realized they can't just call for air strikes every time so it's actually dangerous

he's like 5ft2 so has to make up for it somehow


>health problems

That's what the post says. If you don't believe me you can read it yourself.

Because they are not sinning, the russians fuck all the 80% of equipment in the country, so yeah why not leaving now?

I hope he sees this bro, good luck getting noticed by your fag crush!

keked and rekt

The hype died down. The slaves of the west lack any real commitment to a cause. Meanwhile Russia will be relentless until they capture the entire country. The difference between western "discipline" and real discipline.

"We didn't even commence being serious" youtube.com/watch?v=Pueo6zEbsE8

What the fuck are you babbling about you schizo?

>"We didn't even commence being serious"
Lol. Always this same shit.

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Reminds me of this

Just talked to a former Zogbot who knows mercenaries in the Uke.
He said they don't even find it fun.
Shooting Ruskies is like shooting fish in a barrel.
The only thing they fear is artillery.
Are they leaving because they're bored?
Or is this guy full of shit?

try to be more subtle fednigger

these faggots shouldnt be allowed back into the country. let them rot in refugee camps with the isis volunteers

No really.
I'm not CIA at all.
Well not currently active.
My friends call me Ray.
Are you my friend?

>russia is le based
>if you fight russia you're a zogbot
go fuck yourselves retards

Western countries are not pro-Russia.

Lol. Sure. You kikes are so transparent

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