/NRx/ Neo-reactionary General # 1 "RAGE" Edition

It's time to Make Any Forums Great Again by spreading the correct idea that monarchy, crypto-fascism, decentralized communities, agorism, privately-owned states and neocameralism is both possible and desirable. It's time to RAGE - Retire All Government Employees

>Who are the neoreactionaries?
We are people who understand democracy is a false god. A system that incentivizes short term decision-making, war, inneficient bureaucratic states and the complete moral degeneration of society. We are inspired by Carlyle, Hoppe, Moldbug (Yarvin), Rothbard, Thiel and Bastiat, among others.


>thedailybell.com/?s=hans-hermann hoppe

Anatomy Of The State by Murray Rothbard
Democracy: The God That Failed by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
The Network State by Balaji Srinivasan
The Sovereign Individual by James Dale Davidson, Lord William Rees-Mogg
>lopp.net/pdf/The Sovereign Individual.pdf
Against Politics by Anthony de Jasay
Crypto Anarchy, Cyberstates, and Pirate Utopias by Peter Ludlow
The Bitcoin Standard by Saifedean Ammous
>resistance.money/research/library/to be organised better/The Bitcoin Standard.pdf

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Other urls found in this thread:



>Rothbard's parents were David and Rae Rothbard, Jewish immigrants
Sage + Hide

it saddens me to see the pure light of reactionary monarchism polluted by millennial technofuturist/accelerationist and ancap nonsense

Nice thread!

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You obviously never spent a minute of your life reading anything that disagrees with you.

It's the cool scene to be in in young circles. This is actually happening. J.D. Vance, Blake Masters and Peter Thiel are working on this. I'm sorry but if we want to return to traditional government that is responsible, we must embrace the incentives that decentralized technology offers in keeping things in check.

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sure thing memeflag, hoppe was basic bitch reading in 2012 but who can argue with such a zinger

Why does he call himself Mencius when Mencius wasn't a fan of totalist government?

>gadsden flag
Nice try fed

Certainly you can't argue against Hoppe.

that would mean reading something that disagrees with you, surely that can't happen in a shill thread


Holy fuck a NrX thread for the first time in years.


Get fucked shill


>didn't list jim's blog

Ayy hello. Glad to see I'm not the only sane person here.

What's the link, I'll add it to the pastebin for future threads.

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Blessed thread, wonderful kitty!

All powers of democracy to the individual states, federal taxes only go to military, no more influence and propaganda from foreigners! Death to tiktok, and to each their own beautiful kitties!

Captcha: GHAS4U

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>khajit has wares, if you have coin

I mean I'm all for monarchy but technology is imperative for the survival of the species and actually leaving earth. Top down governance via monarchy with regional lord governor's is the only way to maintain control of the overtly consumptive and encroaching power of capitalism. Corporations and Banks have all the control in (((democracy))) but hereditary monarchs can destroy hegemon by banks and corporations.

This is bringing me /lrg/ nostalgia

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