Disclosure and its repercussions

What are the political implications of ayyy disclosure? And why are they such a hot topic now?

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no aliens are going to park their saucer and say take me to your leader. They're observing us like myrmecologists study ants in the wild.

What’s to disclose? They’re making this shit out of Lockheed, Skunk Works division

100% it's gonna be way more clowny than scary.

1. WW3 is kicking off, so the tech they kept hidden will be used (and thus become public knowledge)
2. The underlying technologies are being figured out by the scientific community despite the rampant censorship and mass murder of those who didn't fall in line. The Internet changed the game.


They have zero shits to give about our leadership. Our consciousness as a collective is the issue. All space faring aliens are telepathic. We shit up the universal consciousness. Its probably why they give us ships but instead of reactionless energy bringing prosperity and peace they squirrel it away.
Why would be the reaction of the world if "leaders" or anyone was hiding novel energy solutions?

skinwalker ranch is a secret nuclear missile launch facility

>Our consciousness as a collective is the issue
Yes, and it can never change as long as kikes and shitskins exist.

Bumping this because i've been researching this for years and I'm usually a skeptic of the paranormal but this is impossible to debunk

My conclusion; the UFO phenomenon (crafts, beings) are REAL. What are they? I can't say. But the phenomenon represents a technology greater than our own. A technology that can create, negate and manipulate gravity.
A technology ruled by an intelligence; WHO is that intelligence? And what is their intent?

You talk about political implications; that would depend on what these things are and who made them. Humans didn't - but the question is are they from here, like us? Or did they come from another planet?

The latter is the least interesting explanation.

>why are they such a hot topic now?

Literally no one is talking about anything they’ve released on ayyyylmaos. The general public couldn’t care less

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It's a complete LARP. Russia is supposed to have numerous crashed "saucers" from the 1960's that they could have reverse engineered to make wonder weapons, but when they invade Ukraine they send in beat up old vans. As for OP pic it's just space debris and malfunctioning satellites.

Experimental military combustion planes at Lockheed; the saucers and tic-tacs are ET tech that they are trying to reverse engineer and weaponise. They have only understood how the propulsion system works, but cant replicate it, or understand why it does what it does
They can't reverse engineer it for that purpose because anti-gravitic technology is automatically anti-weapon


There will be no disclosure because UFOs are not aliens. The people pushing disclosure (i.e. the Bob Bigelow, George Knapp, etc, camp) have been pushing their little hobby for decades. UFOs are not aliens, they are black projects and misidentifications of aircraft, weather phenomena, etc.
>t. Used to be a big UFO fag and learned it was a con game pushed by the same people

Ariel case. Explain it.

We're never getting the truth user. Never...

Kids with a fantastic imagination

aliens are coming for my body

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Not all of it, but some. Everything we have is based off of real ET shit. But in reality, they're probably just ancient humans or Martians.

You've already had the truth, it's been in plain sight for years
You deny the truth. To this day, as adults, they recount the experience.
Regarding gravitic propulsion; explain Westall, in conjuction with Lazar, the 2007 cellphone video, and the Gimball. The rotation of the craft before accelerating.

Alien are not real.

>You've already had the truth, it's been in plain sight for years
It's the technical questions I want to hear. We're certainly never getting that.

They very much are

This tic tac video is so fake and so are those glowies who claim they recorded it.
Any sensitive informative like that can never be leaked.
They are just trying to distract people from other issues.

If we wanted you to know we were here, we would have told you, no?

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Question is, will they intervene if article 5 is invoked and NATO gets involved, and someone tries to launch a nuke? There's been chatter amongst certain figureheads that some of these crafts may be here to try and stop a cataclysm. Whats more cataclysmic than a nuke?

Lmfao. Literally the biggest fake LARPER in all of ufology. You gullible goon. He was proven a fraud back in the 90s, before Knapp and Corbell ressurected him with a new identifty/grift.
I have never seen any evidence that UFOs are alien. I've read and listened to every major ufologist and heard all the best cases. The evidence is simply not there. All it would take is one video showing something extraordinary and ufologists have been incapable of producing one.

Name one thing that would change if we all played pretended and "believed" they are real.

>They aren't improving our lives.
>They aren't freeing us from labor.
>They aren't giving us new energy sources.
>Your life will still suck tomorrow.

So what are they doing.
Flying around, crashing into the ocean and getting their pictures taken in the smallest, blurriest resolution 80's tech has to offer. Ha ha ha. Fuck.

Aliens are real, but they're not travelling here.

the disclosure is that there are no ayys just jews which is why disclosure will never happen.

Can't be bothered to find the letter, but Bill Clinton wrote to Laurence Rockefeller in response - when Bill was president - that he cannot desclassify or look into the Roswell incident as some other entity won't allow it - literally fucking implying there's a shadow government running things in the US, and he has no control in that area. I don't get how this all flew past peoples heads. Not just that, but the pentagon released a bogus explanation of the Roswell incident just after, as a way to cover it up, but no one cared, even to connect the dots, luckily for them. Funny how the shadow government is exposed in a letter investigating UFOs and ayys.

>What are the political implications of ayyy disclosure?
christ cucks and jews (same thing) kill themselves

slow drip disclosure, things are heating up and can no longer contain the secret. something's coming

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They present the release of "the truth" as "sombering" which is why they don't release it. We share a planet. We are not top dog.
Aliens also exist
Lazar is the real deal, so is Fravor. You haven't done enough research. The technology exists; it's alien and other things. They really want to understand how it works. Our world is a giant game of chess

Stuff like this is pretty convincing, testimony wise at least. Plus, you get historical reports like the one in the Mithraic wars or the encounter Columbus had at sea. If you're into Remote viewing, you got people like Ingo Swan and Joe McMoneagle viewing a Martian civilization.

>ET tech that they are trying to reverse engineer and weaponise
>They can't reverse engineer it for that purpose because anti-gravitic technology is automatically anti-weapon
So they are trying to reverse engineer, but they can't. Maybe it's easier to just say it doesn't exist in the first place.