Lyschansk right now

9th of July, Russia has resorted to using the WW2 equipment.

Attached: 07_lisichansk_t34_roadblock.webm (1280x720, 2.74M)

do I really need to tell you that they are using a museum tank as a bait?

Utter shambles. What a fucking shitshow.

Based. I love using disposable ww2 units to hold irrelevant positions in Wargame.

>NATO is losing to WWII era tanks
This isn't the own you think it is.

Shut up faggot troon
Putin is based


what equipment must you use to lose to wwii equipment, wwi stuff?

>muh 2 more weeks and russia will lose

Attached: 1636904452166.png (1981x1887, 2.13M)

Don't forget to dilate your troon hole faggot


Based. We need to go back even further to WW1 weaponry. I've always wanted to kill someone with my Mosin but bolt actions are obsolete when every jigaboo moon cricket has a Glock.
Semi-automatic weapons were a mistake. They are dishonorable and go against God.

>2 more weeks and Russia will achieve its first major victory

Saw that reported in April and May already.

Is that a fucking T34? How the fuck did they get museum curator permission?

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Budapest 2006 vibe

Attached: gettyimages-72244776-2048x2048.jpg (2048x1409, 584.32K)


Russia is kicking NATO ass with WW2 equipment

>Russia is kicking NATO ass
You wish you were fighting NATO Zigger lmao
At least you'd have justification for supposed 2nd strongest army in the world struggling to gain few dozen kilometers of land in a country literally neighboring them LMAOOOO

Attached: 1643866458984.jpg (960x639, 88.38K)

NATO hasn't suffered a single casualty yet.

This is the state of shit posting and or shilling on pol now? Absolutely disgraceful, even ni/g/gers do it better these days.

You are like the cheap talking whore who asks for the pimp's intervention. Poland is a liability.

Let's just say Javoryv, that will suffice

Happy Eid al-Adha to you as well Abdullah

Probably a decoy.

you burgers won't shut up about niggers and abortions. let us have some fun too.

>Muh Islam.

A tank is still a tank. Are you telling me it's going to be cheaper to destroy? Are you going to spend one of the only anti tank weapons you haven't already sold on the black market to destroy this?

LMAO actual mudslime replying to me. Gotta wash now, see ya Ahmed

And to ruin everyone's day: hohols rolled this tank from the monument's pedestal and used it as a mobile barricade
Separs did the same with the IS-3 in 2014 as well as Hungarians in 2006

Attached: 77_big.jpg (700x525, 49.03K)

Stop picking on me. t. Bulgar.

Attached: Me.jpg (1600x1200, 372.79K)

Couldnt this just be some "Great Patriotic War Parade" stuff? As in celebration? Or with a decoy purpose, as someone else said?

>actually posting your real photo on Jamaicain snorkeling forum
Okay, you're not a mudslime. You're a fucking retard with room temperature IQ.

the tank was brought there buy ukranian forces during the assault, but they haven't manage to get it working. it awaits to be placed back where it has been taken from.

Rebels got an IS-3 functioning. They'll use literally anything

Islam isn't an ethnicity.