Post something pure and beautiful

>post something pure and beautiful
>leftists, kikes and trannies stat seething and malding
why are they like this? why they can't let people living happily without their influence?

Attached: 1657374901227.webm (615x850, 1.98M)

Because they've never seen a miracle.

Attached: 1657289844224.jpg (1200x700, 47.88K)


Sauce? Looks pretty wholesome

>Brown hair and brown eyes

Not white

Are leftists mad at the woman in this video for being not knowing about their shitty pop culture?

Orthodox Mennonite community.

>crack baby eye bags

Attached: 3321320591.jpg (293x314, 11.03K)

you've never seen a vagina

mfw getting cutepilled

>that jaw
thats a dude

what shit country is that flag from?

Friendly reminder: Report slide threads

She looks like a boring skank with zero pereonality. Stop making this thread.

we need more wholesome threads here
inspirational stuff

>announcing report

bulgaria jesus christ I've fucked three of your women and only one has light hair, shut the fuck up bulgaria. we'll call you when we need turn over service at a boat club.

Blessed WebM

You're not white FAGGOT MUTT


That's a man

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>VGH. Women aren't forced to be their husband's sex cult slave anymore... The VVest truly has fallen...
>Incestuous mennonites are the reveal the true potential of our race...

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Anabaptists are literally worse than jews. Dump raw sewage on your land to drive down your property value so they can steal it

But because theyre blue eyed kikes pol thinks its ok


Attached: wtf.jpg (470x470, 69.91K)

She will divorce you and take everything include property, childs, money.
Also she sucked my cock yesterday, prove me wrong she not. Protip you cant.

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These standards are impossible in 2022. It's ridiculous. Imagine being compared to the reverse - some chad millionaire with a nice car and a mansion. You would be irritated too.

Anyone getting the byutv ad for Ruby and the well on youtube?
The trailer caught my eye, and was highly suss (wholesome straight white families on tv?) so did some digging and realized it's mormon tv. Byttv is brigam young tv.

why this pic made me laugh so much

are you pointing out that lana is a man, or a white nationalist movement foudner is married to a ching chong?

Heh, I fucked more American women at Martha's Vineyard 5 years ago :)
4 of them were married with 2+ kids

why aren't you on the front lines, mykola?

Yikes, what a Mutt Chud. Le 41% face