Give me one good reason why Sweden shouldn't annex the yellow areas

Give me one good reason why Sweden shouldn't annex the yellow areas.

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cuz binland wont allow it?

You want to ruin some arrogant hillbilly's life with Swedish gang wars?

Whats the point?

they're too small. never settle for less.

It would make Finland look less like a ballsack, which I feel wwe should preserve at all cost.

Do you think we would ruin our economy, throw ourselves into a long conflict, and kill off our two white peoples because of some clay? What kind of niggers have you been talking to to make that seem like a good idea?

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Give me one good reason I shouldn't march over to Sweden, declare myself the reincarnation of Gustavus and then claim everything north of the 53rd parallel.

What if they make a Molotov-Ribbentrop type pact with Russia? Would be easy to land on the coast and grab some land while the Finnish are fighting in the east. Could probably get the Swedish speaking FDF regiments (who are conveniently located in the yellow areas of the map) to mutiny and help Sweden.
A stronger grip on the Baltic sea. 300k ethnic Swedes back to the motherland. Honor of conquest.

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You're brown

Because fuck islam.

We should invade Sweden and take all their snus

>Yes Sven, come and take our land freely
Why do you want to be ruled by Sweden so bad? Cuck fetish? Off yourself as soon as possible.

People in those regions don't speak Arabic so they would find it difficult to integrate to Swedish society.

i give you 7.62 reasons

They're half Finn at this point anyway, why bother?
Your crippling autism would turn people off immediately

If Sweden annexed the yellow areas you could probably just take the train to Tammisaari or some shit and buy some snus yourself.

Kven = Kainuu. Sweden is Finnish soil.

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>They're half Finn at this point anyway, why bother?
so are we

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>Half-Arab muttling thinks he's Finnish
Yeah, you wish pal!

because all of Finland should be annexed instead.