How would Any Forums solve the homeless problem?

How would Any Forums solve the homeless problem?

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Become homeless

deport all non whites

Those that do not work, do not eat.

Turn them into fuel for the legion

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I know let's give billionaires more money

Vote democrat

Tent cities only exist in Democrat cities.

.22s are cheap enough the cost would not be prohibitive.

Probably a flame thrower. But I could have just as much fun using a snow plow driving full speed.

I would grind them up and use them for hog feed.

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have police enforce vagrancy laws. After their tent town gets thrown away a few times and anyone resisting gets cracked with a billy club they will learn to stay hidden. By staying hidden they will cause many fewer problems for us and the problem pretty well takes care of itself

Simple as.

Turn the into a tourist attraction.


did I do it right Any Forums?


Feed, clothe, work, work brings satisfaction.


>hog feed
Waste. People are fat. Fat is oil. Oil can be refined into fuel.
Let the hugs eat vegetables.

Pretty much this, they feel powerful in the fact that liberals will die and support them even if they're crack fiends who rob children.

removing the kikes

>1. see 25 point programme by NSDAP
>2. house people
it isn't rocket science

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Constitutional guarantee to housing
Massive public housing projects

Build shelters to house the homeless

Give the man a fish and you will feed him for a day
Teach a man to fish and he will feed himself forever

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Ethnically homogenous societies have almost no homelessness

>How would Any Forums solve the homeless problem?
what homeless problem?

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>How would Any Forums solve the homeless problem?
>end wars for elite benefits
>war should be defense
Intel is separate but, lead by example
>end at will work states (abused by lefty)
>end taxation for anything that doesn't directly effect defenses, Intel, infrastructure, and basic ops
Take aaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllll that and, ...
>stop giving out drugs
>give real rehab
>give spirituality
>give another opportunity, and
Only give one
>fuk up again
Shame on them

>Give billy clubs back to cops.
>Designate zones of cities as no homeless zones
>Club homeless when found in no homeless zones
>Never arrest them
>Just club them

I would ensure more industries adopt automation while importing 3rd world desperate retards that continue to breed recklessly even in my own lands, this will guarantee massive social destabilization to justify the human purge, I'll also take their guns and be the only one to properly defend myself with military and police forces, pollute the water and food supply with carcinogenics and other toxic chemicals, I will ensure life is so miserable for everyone else but myself so that my throne can never be challenged by mentally and physically capable lessors.

I’m glad you asked user. Give me full imperium of every major U.S. city for 48 hours and I’ll have the problem solved by the time you clock in on Monday.

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deport all white supremacists to an island and see how "superior" they are to see how long they last without theiri chicken tendies

The only two things I fear in life are jail and homelessness.

I don’t know the solution to homelessness. I will work but I hate paying rent.

Forced return to monke for all

retards. in the pnw it's mostly all whites who are homeless meth head or junkie fuckups.

Almost. You forgot to add instructions.

Natural Selection

Outlaw homelessness

>whitey bad

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wholesale punishment. Become part of a collective reputation or rot in a work camp

>one word tom, hobo zoo

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I would give them all homes, paid by the rich liberals tax money. Watch as they became ghettos. Buy up them up for extremely cheap, with my own money, kick everyone out, gentrify them and resale for high dollar. Then repeat with the newly created homeless.

If you deal drugs, supply drugs, or use drugs you will be hanged in the town square. The bums that aren't addicts but merely mentally defective will be humanely euthanized.

That's why our elites are forcing mass migration.

Watch The Purge movie. Honestly best way.

>How would Any Forums solve the homeless problem?
Only two viable humane solutions:
A) put them back into the mental asylums that Ronald Regan closed in the 1980s
B) execute them as willful obstructions to civilization

people shouldn't be allowed to give up on society and then still try to mooch off the benefits of society. the same philosophy applies in elite military forces if you're a coward you quit or get kicked out because it's not conducive to the institution.

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An island like Britain, for example? The island that literally produces white people who created the modern world you leech off
kek sounds like a great plan
Maybe you should show your flag and we can judge your race's accomplishments, nig nog
Deport all non whites and they won't have niggers selling them drugs, fuckwit. It's a perfect solution

Simple as

This, perfect solution. Although cocaine should not count.

You bring your very large angry dog and shotgun. Get the dog good and hyped. At the edge of the camp you scream like a madman, "I'm not a cop and I am here to fuck shit up". Blast shotgun in the ground once for good measure and cut the dog loose. Stuff all their tents and gear inside the largest tent and drag that shit to your truck, deposit said shit at nearest dumpster. Problem solved.

the new war I going to need a lot of bodies. Put them in a uniform, give them some fentanyl and run them at the enemy until they're out of bullets or men.

how the fuck is the US supposed to fight a war with the amount of domestic issues it has? It'll be like WW1 Germany, only positive aspect is the rise of the freikorps

Lots of it

1. Declare state of emergency and place immense pressures on local law enforcement agencies (threats of cutting fed funding/training/support, etc.); public camping is now a threat to the safety of American people
2. Where appropriate (places police aren't going to not cooperate) drop by each and every encampment and tell them they have 48 hours to find clean shelters or family/friends to receive shelter from, otherwise they're coming with a special task force to clean them up (i.e., take them to a locked-down FEMA camp)
3. For every addict or junkie that doesn't flee, pack them up into buses/vans and relocate them through various detox centers throughout the country. BIGGEST MIGRATION OF PEOPLE IN THE US SINCE JAPANESE INTERMENT and Katrina.
4. Set up secure, prison-like FEMA camps in a variety of states for everyone who doesn't have a place to stay; allow various non-profit organizations and other shelters to also take in people; treat FEMA camps as a kind of purgatory between other shelters, half-way houses, friends/family, etc. vs. going back on the streets
5. TEMPORARILY increase investment into mental health services--and not dumbfuck gov employees and young new-hires; offer admirable, hourly rates for seasoned professionals and the recently retired to come in and take on of a variety of case loads
6. As part of mental health services, arrange for donations and cooperation from various organizations to supply clean clothes and sundries for the addicts and homeless to clean themselves up; work with housing/development agencies and businesses to develop complexes of studio apartments to house the recently clean and employed as well as the severely disabled who can't physically work
7. Get show hosts, podcasters, social media influencers, etc. to highlight transformations of people they encounter to boost morale in the populations

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Arm the homeless. And give them drugs.

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Throw them in a stadium mocked up to be like the old Colosseum then stage elaborate PPV televised events to generate revenue to offset the costs, the last one standing from the events will go onto glory and fortune, while the rest can at least know they'll rest in Valhalla and have been an entertaining spectacle to their fellow man.

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Send them to school is what you're saying?

There aren't many workable solutions, most of these people are homeless by choice/mental illness/addiction/they just can't take care of themselves.

Counciling/rehab for the addicts, assylums for the crazy/incompetent, and kick out the lazy bums who just want to live in a tent, steal shit, rob people, and piss on other peoples property.