Anchorage, ALASKA!
Starts in 12 hours @ 4:00 pm AKDT, 8:00 pm EST


Real America's Voice


Donald J. Trump

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See you on page 10

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No one cares about this Orange kike faggot

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NOPE this faggot will never hold office so find a new job Canada trumpfaggot

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Listening to the vaccine salesman? Couldn’t be me trumpshill faggot. Get a new job

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Why do you even keep spamming this shit? No one likes orange nigger under the age of 70

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This has to be some unpaid RSBN intern lmfao, get a real job you faggot

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Make white countries great again

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mmm Thanks for the reminder.
Hope Palin shows up too.

Thank you for taking time out of sucking cock to spam with your meaningless bullshit. Unironically kill yourself, irredeemable faggot.

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I’m just doing my part annoying trumpfaggot, you should probably just cry about it since that’s all you can do

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The more you fight it nigger, the more power it gets. Slit your wrists.

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I’m convinced this board is actually 90% people who don’t contribute, just like modern American society
The other 10% is bots posting bullshit hair threads like this and the dumb fucks that think it’s real

Do you mean how niggerlover trump lost last time to some old senile fag? Sorry trumpfag he’s going to lose again and we will laugh at you yet again. You are a brainlet loser like the rest of the defectives still supporting this gigantic faggot blowhard

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There is an entire thread dedicated to this where you can post it

Trump is one statement denouncing the experimental shot away from me jumping back on the train

I think this one is astroturfed because it’s the same Canadian nigger who then posts asshurt pepes every single time kek

Fuck yeah let's keep the bump's going :)

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>he supported it for years
>even gave the pharma kikes immunity from legal liability
>he said he didn’t like it two years later after it has been given to billions because it’s eroding his support base so I’m back to supporting him!

How the fuck can you zero principled faggots live with yourselves? You are lower than smegma

cope harder and learn to meme, no a bit of originality, all copied


Plurals don’t have apostrophes, dumb fuck

Lol the grammor Nazi is back :)

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