Why are we against banning guns, again?

Why are we against banning guns, again?

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>thinking women will ever be approached and collected after they are autistically told they are fertile

Either a women or a jew.

Cuz all my friends from the screens hate guns!

I hate that artist.
He's super artsy and unique which is cool but his message is always "i am silly" and he always supports israel, feminism, dykes, etc.

Dunno why anyone should consider him based.

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why do you have that pic saved on your phone

I'm not on my phone and I have it saved because i'm gay. Seethe memeflag

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>t. cumslut

U r gay, urugay?

wow this would totally happen in real life


Yes. I fucking love cum.

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In don't get it

>wow this would totally happen in real life
That's almost exactly how it is in all Muslim countries. So yea....uh uh.

Why are gay, user?

Born this way, seethe.

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Because people that hate you want you disarmed.

Have you ever tried to get it fixed?

Because places with high gun violence have nonwhite problem, not gun problem.

Women want the handmaidens tale. Sorta how they complain about rape but their biggest fantasy is being raped.

Fixed? A man loving men is broken? Why would you ever wish something so horrible and gross such as women on me? What is wrong with you?

If you're miserable with women then go suffer in silence, don't wish I had a miserable life full of cuckolding and Tyrone's son on me, that's just pathetic.

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They are essential to larping

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You make a good argument, user. How do I become gay like you?

You can't. You're straight trash, you were born that way now go deal with it, marry some fat white whore in her 40s and raise her black son, don't come crying when she divorce rapes you and you commit suicide.

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user, you're right, this world just isn't meant for straight people. Guess I'll go off myself

That's truly fetish porn for them.
We should make a collection of all the leftist protesters, comics and caricatures using that meme.


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Don't forget to stream it.

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Streaming your own suicide sounds really gay
