Why are japs like this?

Why are japs like this?

Attached: Have sex.png (2272x2664, 1.17M)

sex is for faggots

Because post-WW2 there are no more men or women in Japan. Only children and overgrown children.

Why is it backwards?

Because child armpit

Sex is literally gay nowadays, roasties ride the cock carousel, they can stain you with some retards semen or infect you

God that's so hot

Imagine not tapping some sweet fish & body odor smelling pussy that tastes like AA batteries

No idea but why are they so ugly?

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Anime Jew. Stop watching degenerative cartoons.

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all the real men died in the war

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trying to convince a japanese man to have sex with women instead of children is the most herculean task one can take upon himself

Sex is for children.

> They
> This particular person
> They
youre fucking nigger

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Why Shinzo Abe has normal skin and this guy from left has lemon color skin
Who are these lemon people anyway

All chinks are hideous monsters tho

Im busy fuckin all the jap chicks here. Nothing left for micropenis betas

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>Gay porn
user you fucking faggot

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American genuinely believe that people from Asia look like lemons. Americans can't afford to travel, most of them never leave the hick town they grew up in. Everything they "know" about the world comes from entertainment programs on video screens. They're very uneducated and superstitious people.

Youre just resorting to fuckibg asians because your own white women wont touch your peepee, too busy becoming single mothers to niggers.

Its funny that youre bragging too while going extinct back home.