Unironically what happened? Before 2014 they were considered to be brother nations, part of the triune Russian nation...

Unironically what happened? Before 2014 they were considered to be brother nations, part of the triune Russian nation. What happened? What turned themselves against eachother?

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before 2014 they were considered Russia
now I consider them two real nations
Nations are formed in the heat of war no matter the period

white american men

on the other hand if you want to see a meme country look no further than belarus

White trash from the western Ukraine hijacked the narrative during their recent revolution in 2014.
They were known to hate us even before that.

Although the main turning point was probably the fact that our government tried to back Yan*kovich which resulted in most pro-revolution protesters to hate us by the early march of 2014
And then Crimea happened, and Donbass..

they are just treacherous rebels

many nations especially new ones start as rebels
likes yours

ukrainians hated you ever since the holodomor ivan

how long until the brazilian megaschizo shows up? 60 seconds?

Holodomor never affected western Ukraine, the birthplace of the butthurt

the reason is that for some reason a ukraine nation exist
when a nation is a thing then it is naturally for a bordering nation to hate the hegemon else they are going to be annexed

the answer for why the ukrainian war happened is to be found in why the ukrainian nation exist to which you gotta ask them cus i dunno

They're still brother nations. Look at the stats, Ukraine is literally a "little Russia" on all levels.
But Slavs being Slavs, once they turn on eachother they can't stop but rewrite history and pretend they've never been alike. "AKSHUALLY WE WERE NEVER BROTHERS WITH RUSSIANS STOP SAYING THAT, ALSO IT'S KYIIIIIIV NOT KIEV NOW".
Ukrainians are Russians under a different flag, same mentality.

that's not the same, we're not racially like spain. would you have called americans a different ethnicity or nation from brits some months after the start of their rebellion?

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nations always predate a real country
you wouldnt have the american independence if americans werent already a thing
ofc with time they changed but so all we did
race doesnt matter much as long as the people feel they are the same

Holodonor is an ahistorical myth, There was no intentionality or direction, ukraine was not the only one. Kazakhstan was hurt far worse

Just having a bit of violent and bloody incest is all

also nations are formed and collapsed costantly in history
three thousand years ago there werent a french nation for example

that's stupid

Americans weren't a thing until the Civil war.

thats true but most idiots prefer to believe their lies
a nation need a narrative fake or truth there is
mexico narrative is one of being aztec which is ofc stupid but that doesnt matter because it serves the purpose of cohesion which is what you need and mexico is one of the most cohese nations in america

religion is also a good agreggate which is why the phillipines are so catholic because being catholic makes their identity stronger in south east asia as that subcontinent is dominated by muslisms

they were led by a super corrupt russia-friendly government that was couped by extreme russophobes

>mexico narrative is one of being aztec
it's not

then why is mexico a nation

btw nice eagle on a cactus and nice name

Monke got sick, went full schizo mode and decided to take ukranians with him before kicking the bucket.

it's not, we're a country with various ethnic groups inside and a common citizenship

i know that there are mayans and the likes but mexico as a country and nation was formed before 1800 the independence were fought and won by people who already belong to a same nation else they wouldnt have fought
doesnt matter what they believed what mattered is that they felt the same as people they considered the same as them

Gas prices tanked, putin couldnt pay off enough people, country turned, now putin wants the natural gas and oil in eastern ukraine. Ukrainians refuse to give up trillions, putin needs a monopoly on energy to europe, so this is part of it. Putin had gone senike so you are seeing the trickle down issues. He doesnt care about nato, or neo nazis, he just wants the energy resources. He has to have it now to have any chance of paying for the war.

that's an extremely simplistic take

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yeah russia the biggest country on the planet with the cash cow that siberia is need the minuscule percentage that ukrainian gas can provide kek

there is of course more to it but what i said is the pattern of creation of nation or at least one of them
but you dont seem to know much as you dont have arguments anyway

Are you trolling?

you seem too stupid so i was sarcastic
russian ukraine war happened for geopolitical needs not for muh gas or muh oil like we are still in the seventies

Nah its the natural gas and oil. Thats the land thet grabbed. Kind of obvious.

for a guy who doesnt understand geopolitics sure
for you bunch it is always the economy while the elite care far more about power and consolidation to which economic always follow

>Thats the land thet grabbed

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Oil and natural gas provide power.

the reverse you need power to get oil and gas

They unironically got a taste of democracy. Russia hates it because free people with freedom of speech and ability to vote makes them look bad. Putin is in the twilight years and he drinks his own kool-aid, so he decided to get back his "rightful russian clay" so they have been just sending out cannon fodder from Russian and running a smear campaign that ranges from disingenuous to complete lies.
Slowly annexing parts of Ukraine made many life in fear of this eventual assault.
That's basically it.

else norway is a superpower which is ofc stupid

This is terrible man. Are you high?

>freedom of speech
>jewish oligarch vs jewish oligarch democratic """elections"""

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lmao they still believe that.

you are half right
the parts you got wrong is thinking russians dont want this war when they would have regardless of putin
putin is only a single dude he cant control 144 million of people

the fact yanukovych was allowed to run against him and not get murdered is a sign that ukraine is indeed a democracy

fuck i mean medvedchuk
im drunk

Reminder that the impetus for the "coup" in 2014 was the Russians trying to strongarm them into joining their lame as fuck "Eurasian Union" instead of the actual EU.

Russia could have decided to do nothing and nothing would have changed, except they would have avoided the sanctions.

There was no strong-arming

>thinking russians dont want this war
I didn't say that but many don't, there was an immediate brain drain to the point of russia banning tech people from leaving, the oligarchs don't want it, and there were immediate protests despite serious consequences.

Putin doesn't have to control 144 million people individually, he needs a few tens of thousands and all of the guns, which he does have.

Of course, many russians are not critical thinkers or do not have access to anything but propaganda.

A lot closer than Putin vs. guy he imprisoned
Ukraine was far from a perfect country and certainly had corruption, but they were definitely heading towards more freedom and democracy.

How many Ruples do you get paid for posting here?

they elected a jew

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Come on. Anyways the Poles want it done. So ukraine gets all it wants. It is how the alliance works.

>but they were definitely heading towards more freedom and democracy
Oh yeah that's why they started jailing opposition and shutting down opposition media many months before the war. Nice democracy with an active civil war btw

Russia won. Trump won. Chauvin won.

Is it not?

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Honestly we just listen to the baltics and poland on this stuff. Its kind of small ball compared to other issues in the world but a deal is a deal.

It started during the 2004 presidential elections where the anti-Yanukovych opposition was attacked, hunted and poisoned. And it heavily escalated during the Russian embargo of Ukraine(2013).

will russia enforce russification on the ukraine?

Coup happened in 2014, its called "Maidan"

Ukraine began a series of harassment towards to the Russian-speaking population, there were facts of violence against civilians.

Donbass and Lugansk separated from Ukraine (they have the right to do so under the constitutional law of this state of Ukraine), after which Crimea did the same, becoming part of the Russian Federation

By the way

Absolutely same hapened 1 year ago in Belarus and Kazakhstan, but Russian Government succesfully supressed those rebels and its chill right now
(If wouldnt - 100% Belarus and Kazakhstan would become ukrainian-like)

Yes, they're changing Ukrainian-language signs to Russian, raising russian flags everywhere and enacting a transition period to change the currency from the hryvnia to the ruble.

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that exiled belarussian woman in lithuania is planning to overthrow the belarussian government from there with the help of the eu and nato

Yeah, i heard about that too

ANY pro-western protest in countries under Russian Influence is just..doomed to fail
LGBT flags and same-sex marriages will not be tolerated by those peoples

I remember we've had very large protests in 2011-2013, after which our Government has introduced criminal penalties for any kind of radicalism or calls for instability of the state

also after that, our government took a course slightly to the right


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>ANY pro-western protest in countries under Russian Influence is just..doomed to fail
>LGBT flags and same-sex marriages will not be tolerated by those peoples
Why would that stop them from joining the west? None of the former Eastern Bloc countries in the EU have legalized queer marriage.

west want destroy our precious country for cheap resources

>Ukraine began a series of harassment towards to the Russian-speaking population, there were facts of violence against civilians.
kek Russian bots always got banter
>Unironically what happened? Before 2014 they were considered to be brother nations, part of the triune Russian nation. What happened? What turned themselves against eachother?
Simple- Manlet rage and narcissism after a bad breakup
>In a now-famous television broadcast in 2005, Vladimir Putin referred to the Soviet Union’s collapse as “the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century” but assured listeners “a single historical destiny” still binds Russia to its neighbors.

>Eventually Ukraine wanted to separate from the shady, depressing, corrupt Russia so they started courting the EU

>Russia said "stop mother bitch I'll shoot you"
>Ukraine said "whatever I'm done" and started cooperating more with the west

>Russia can't cope with the breakup and they invade shoot Ukraine by invading and annexing Crimea
>Russia also starts coping with propaganda toward Ukraine (nazis, dey racist n hate Russians, everyone is a western agent)

>Progressively started heating up more and more from 2014 until 2022 when Chudlord decided to invade the entire cunt because he could "take Kyiv in 2 hours"
Omitting 1000s of details obviously but that's the 10,000 feet answer

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1) TL;DR
2) Stop read propaganda

>Before 2014 they were considered to be brother nations,

>look some psycho posted smth in twitter LOOK THERES PROOFS!! LOOK!!!

Here's the real reason Putin invaded Ukraine, but it kinda backfired since this whole conflict hopefully make us switch from gas to alternative/renewable energy sources so Putin just lost his biggest customer for gas exports.

That has absolutely no relation to what I just said.
You are just a simple machine that randomly parrots what you hear on television.

Russia needs Navalny

fuck you i dont want eat your stupid BARGERS and KAKA KOLA, El Retardo

>What happened?
>Before 2014
You partly answered your question. In 2014 the united states funded an illegal regime change in Kiev, which brought neonazis to power. Neonazis immediately started genocide of the russian-speaking population of the Ukraine. Obviously, Russia wasn't very fond of that.

before 2014 we had heated rivalry west vs east, back then position of pro russian parties were strong and that always reflected on our relationships with russia

as for relatioships with russia you always could smell the scent of powder in the air
before 2004 ukraine had strong connection with russian organized crime and thats where both in Ukraine and Russia oligarchat was stated. After 2004 Maidan we elected pro european Yuschenko and thats where first wave of shitstorm has started - gas wars, where ukraine steals russian gas, russian political embargo on ukrainian goods, bandera become a hero of ukraine + more ukrainian nationalism i.e political cold shower, but things were civil.
in 2010 Yanukovich was elected as President of Ukraine. Relationships with russia gets better, but he was heavily unliked and unpopular in central west Ukraine. At the time people was done with RAMPANT corruption, low salaries, and in some kind of being a russian sattelite state. And when he refused to sing agreement to association with EU (And rumours was Putin threat him with consequences)/shit hits the fan.
With 2014 Maidan most of Ukraine supported pro-european govt, leaving core pro russian regions (Donbass and Crimea) in minority.
And then, after one month, "polite soilders" invade Crimea, and local pro russian politicians in Donbass opened SBU armory for protesters.

haha tl;dr fuck you xddddd mobilization bonk-bonk hahhaha

Joining the Eurasian Union would be more economically beneficial for the Ukraine. However, the collective West strong armed the Ukraine to pursue the EU in order to weaken Russia.

>Joining the Eurasian Union would be more economically beneficial for the Ukraine
The Eurasian Union is a collective of cleptocratic shitholes. Aslong as Ukraine is Russias bitch they will improve as a nation.

also russian invisible sense of superiority all that time
this guy was raised on that media - funny hohol dum dum and russian brave guy.

*will never

>The Eurasian Union is a collective of cleptocratic shitholes.
That's your subjective opinion. In fact the EU is a collective of cleptocratic shitholes. But since the Ukraine had more economic ties to the CIS countries, joining the Eurasian Union would strengthen their trade powers.


imagine being a fucking ukrop lmfao

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ok now i consider myself as transgender lesbian i want that cutie in the middle

My trips are the truth >> look some psycho posted smth in twitter LOOK THERES PROOFS!! LOOK!!
Kek user it’s just a political cartoon.
I know these must be outlawed in Russia because these are very common and there are thousands of them and 6 million+ articles discussing what I said ranging back a decade

>1. Ukraine was fed up with Russia and said “I’m going to date the West”
>2. Russia said “that will be very painful”
>3. Ukraine “for you?”
>4. Russia “for WE” *invades*

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>That's your subjective opinion
Yeah, these countries are actually the pillars of civilization. Why would Ukraine join Germany, France and their neighbours from Poland when they can join a trade union with Kyrgyzstan and Goatfuckistan lmao

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The Eurasian Union simply gives more economic benefits.
>Why would Ukraine join Germany, France
Why would you joined failed states that import thousands of muslims and drown in degeneracy?

>import thousands of muslims and drown in degeneracy?
Russia has more muslims than any EU country and degeneracy? lol Russia has the highest rates of AIDS and drug addicts in Europe and they're the main exporter of cheap prostitutes and camwhores. Their trad shtick is just for show.

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Germany has more Muslims than the entire Saudi Arabia, and every German has aids.

Right behind you

american mentality was way different from britain mentality even before the war

Ukrainians wanted Ukraine to join the EU, develop and move past it's corrupt post soviet existence. Putin wanted Ukraine to be run by Russian asskissers. Ukraine leaving the Russian sphere would be a huge blow to Russia's image. Definitive proof that it was no longer even a true regional power. We see the results now, Kazakhstan suddenly growing a pair and telling Russia to fuck off. Everyone wants out, Russia must prove it still matters. So, they try to make their point by repeatedly invading Ukraine

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>"Indonesian" complaining about muslims

Its a fact you braindead retard. Shut the fuck up and stop talking out of your ass. There is corruption in the EU but nowhere near the levels of the Eurasian Union. Literally look at any economic indicator of members of the Eurasian Union. They are still stuck with the same commie mentality that we had 30+ years ago.

Your nation is literally majority muslim

Russia didn't invade the Ukraine though. Russia interferred with the civil war that has been ongoing there for the past 8 years. Imagine having a never ending bloodbath on your borders. Someone had to step in to stop it.
>Ukrainians wanted Ukraine to join the EU
This topic was a actively debated in the country back in 2013. Most wanted to join the Eurasian Union for the economic growth it could incite. But no one asked Ukrainians after neonazis took power.

You need it more.

>NATO interferes in a civil war in a Yugoslavia

>Russia interferes in a civil war in Ukraine

Are you retarded? Russia invaded Crimea in 2014 and the "insurgents" in Donbas were literally led by Russian Military commander, Igor Girkin. Russia didn't invade the Donbas, they invaded Ukraine on 4 different fronts and got buck broken so hard they're pretending it was just a slight of hand now

>Russia didn't invade the Ukraine though they just unlawfully entered an independent nation and started slaughtering people. Someone had to step in and turn a minor conflict into a full blown war with thousands of deaths and millions of refugees fleeing to the EU

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>NATO interferes in a civil war in a Yugoslavia
Tells everybody it's allowed.
>Russia interferes in a civil war in Ukraine
Just follows the example.

> they just unlawfully entered an independent nation and started slaughtering people.
Russia is saving Ukrainians from neonazis that have been slaughtering them for 8 years.

Ukraine got psyop'd (see .) The entirety of Eastern Europe has been brainwashed by the Ameriglobos really. So hilarious to see the "trad" cunts there fall in line with the globohomo agenda.

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It's both, actually.

Russia is a direct geopolitical competitor of the United States and NATO expansion is, of course, a provocation. Basically Ukrainians offered to expel the Russian fleet from the "city of Russian sailors", the city they never fought, but only whined about helping them from the Ottoman Empire. Basically Ukrainians offered to expel the Russian fleet from the "city of Russian sailors", the city they never fought for, but only whined about helping them to get rid from the Ottoman Empire. They got Crimea and Sevastopol only 30 years prior to USSR collapse and only because of the commie's bad habit to redistributed territories left and right due to their own internal considerations, bureaucratic and logistical, I guess. Ukraine in general has expanded greatly during communism, having received part of Hungary, Poland and Russia, it has formed as a state with stable borders and national identity, but the irony is that of all the former soviet republics, communists in Ukraine are hated the most.
And in 1992, immediately after the collapse of the USSR, Crimea was essentially denied the return to Russia or complete independence, through the threat of physical violence, google the so-called "Trains of Friendship" when a thousand scumbags with tire irons arrived in Crimea from the west to intimidate locals.

The loss of Sevastopol - not just loss, but getting a NATO naval base instead of it - would be a devastating geopolitical defeat and it's independence that Russia could not allow. Crimea is critically important for Russia and it has all the rights to it, but It's sa pity that everything happened this way.

As for the gas, this is true, as it has been repeatedly noted, Russia is a "gas station country" or a corporation pretending to be a country. In 2010, huge gas deposits were discovered in eastern Ukraine (which made Ukraine the second largest reserves of proven natural gas in Europe) and this immediately aroused the interest of Western companies, like Shell and ExxonMobil, and concerns of Gazprom (aka "the foundation on which the Russian economy stands and the cow from which Putin's friends-leeches feed on" the company).

Before the discovery of this gas, Russia was an undisputed monopoly in Europe, they sold it cheaply, using ready-made Soviet pipes, thereby preventing other players from entering the market. The discovery of gas in eastern Ukraine was the catalyst for the entire conflict. At the moment, it's basically just a war for resources. All wars are for resources and market share, nothing new here, and we are waging the same america-like war for resources and supporting the "moderate opposition" ( "anti-nazi" russian-speaking population), using them just as a casus belli. The far-right radicals in Ukraine, of course, are unpleasant, but no one would ever start a war because of this. Plenty of them, but they are just a useful information tool.

>Russia invaded Crimea in 2014
Crimea declared independence from the Ukraine, then the Russians moved in to protect their naval base. Later Crimea voted to join Russia. I don't see anything wrong with this.
> and the "insurgents" in Donbas were literally led by Russian Military commander, Igor Girkin.
They received help from Russia, much like the Kiev regime has been getting help from the West. If Russia didn't help, people would have been slaughtered by neonazis.

Look cletus you dumbfuck you dont live here so stop speaking out your ass. There is no globohomo here. Economically speaking we are doing way better than in the 90s. Also you can fuck off with the Russian sphere of influence. It only gaves us corruption, death, misery, poverty and nepotism.

Take off the proxy

People always make out like everyone in Ukraine supported euromaidan, but if that was true, why did the country immediately fall into civil war after the coup where the US/NATO suspiciously recognised the new leadership as legitimate instantly?

The idea that Ukraine previously was just a vassal of Russia is almost certainly projection by the west which has been snapping up Eastern European nations since 1997 (removing communism was the hard part, making sure your guy wins elections in newly democratic nations that haven't had elections in over half a century was child's play in comparison, they could dump millions into the campaigns of every pro-NATO candidate and snuff out all competitors), it makes sense that half the leaders Ukraine elected in the past would support closer ties with their most powerful and oldest historical neighbour, that's not necessarily indicative of a nation being manipulated by Russia.

The idea that ALL Ukrainians suddenly decided they'd actually much rather be pro-West to the point of going to war with Russia, that they'd not wait their time to vote for this and needed to stage a coup over it, everything "Ukrainians" want are coincidentally exactly what Washington DC wants in its never ending proxy war with Russia seems very suspicious.

>Russia is a direct geopolitical competitor of the United States
Russia is an incompetent shithole of a failed state with nukes attached.
>NATO expansion is, of course, a provocation
NATO is a defensive pact. If Ukraine was in NATO, it wouldn't have been invaded. No one in Europe would have joined if they didn't know Russia would always try to harass them, Simple as
Russia literally ethnically cleansed Crimea in ww2, nobody gives a shit that you faggots think it should be yours. Russia is an expansionist, failed empire. Literally any complaints about "muh territory" from you obnoxious gopniks is always whiny bullshit

50 kopecks have been deposited in your Sberbank account

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>People always make out like everyone in Ukraine supported euromaidan,
Are you implying that's not the case? Why do you think all the Ukrainian refugees come to the EU instead of Russia?

why do you post slavshits thinking it's an epic gotcha? do you think I care any more about your AIDS-riddled cousins across the border?

There are Ukrainian refugees to Russia, there always has been since 2014.

So that makes it okay?!
>yeah several million people died due to retarded Soviet leadership but it wasn't INTENTIONAL!


Those are Russians going back home where they belong.

Didn't they put Biden's son as the CEO of big-gas in Ukraine to make it so they sold gas to yuropeans in dollar to de-estabilize the ruble since gas is one of the primary things that make the ruble be worth anything in yurop?

glownigger coup

>White trash from the western Ukraine
bruh, everything on the right side of Poland is yellow, with us being semi-white

>some ukrainian citizens are worse then others
The neonazi logic that lead to the start of the civil war and Russian interference.

Just destroy that roach-infested meme country of banderist scum and shove a grenade up Zelesky's cuckold ass. Nuke any Euro faggot who dares to intervene.
Also based Gareth Bale for denazifying the World Cup, kek.

Also reminder that the Ukrainians fucked up by voting for someone who wanted cooperation between Ukraine and both the EU and Russia, to seek a peaceful resolution to the issues 2014 caused in Russia and downplayed any warmongering talk with Russia or on the urgency of joining NATO or the EU.

All of a sudden the US and NATO is worried they're not going to get what they want out of Ukraine, Poroshenko was still a corrupt asshole and didn't start the desired precedent that pro-West candidates are good, so what did they do?

They put the heat on, endless talk about the urgency required for Ukraine to join NATO, constantly declaring their "ascension" was imminent and that they'll change rules if necessary to ensure Ukraine can join NATO at a moment's notice, nudging and winking all the while saying the ONLY thing that can stop Ukraine from joining NATO now is a Russian invasion. Zelensky was consistently downplaying the urgency to join NATO and publicly doubting Russia's intention to invade, but it wasn't enough and Russia took NATO's hint.

what the fuck is your problem?

issues 2014 caused in Ukraine*

we had a quite a bit of diversity (i.e other nationalities) prior to rebelling as well as cultural differences especially over religion

Chile proxy, now we're getting creative

what are you guys referring to when you say white and yellow?
you say white trash and I think of trailer park junkies

>White trash from the western Ukraine

Putin fell for the Squidgame hype and decided to start the shithole battle royale

>Unironically what happened?
Crimea happened. According to Russian law, it is part of Russia; according to international law, it is part of Ukraine. It isn't the same issue as meme puppet republics like DNR or Abkhazia, Russia doesn't regard it as a breakaway foreign region they can control, but as literal Russian territory. So if Ukraine joins NATO, that's a potential Sarajevo/Danzig. Ukraine may try to recover Crimea with the full support of NATO, who would understand the operation as an internal Ukrainian matter. However, Russia would understand it as a full-scale invasion of Russia by NATO forces - which would lead inevitably to WW3 with nukes on both sides.
All Putin wanted was a compromise with the West that would guarantee Ukraine's neutrality. Since NATO leaders said Ukraine was welcome, Russia decided to act before that point of no return. Putin sacrificed his own reputation and the Ukrainian people in order to avoid nuclear war. He believes it's better to be remembered as a violent warmonger than as the man responsible for ending life in the Northern hemisphere.

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Your country is rotten to the core, yet you waste time fighting russians. Why are americans so easily manipulated? Russia is not your enemy.

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Yeah, all the world must be stand with Ukraine, right? and no, if you support Russia you're a Putin bot... what a pathetic brainlet take retards, you're so cucked by your media that's shameful...
No, I'm actually Chilean and a huge number Latin Americans detest those chid-soldier using banderists liars... it's the only thing the right-wing and left-wing agree on, fuck Ukraine... outside NATO cucks i.e. American colonies, most of the world doesn't stand with that nazi shithole and never will stand. Stay fucked.

Putin don't have long times before retiring, he wanted to reunified ukraine to russia as a final accomplishement.
He really thought it will be a piece of cake and didn't expected such resistance form ukrainians

Overly simplistic take, attempts to trivialise the geopolitical realities that would legitimise the war, ignores the fact that wars can always backfire and no one wants to risk their legacy being either a loss or a pyrrhic victory that NATO would naturally try to cause.

My rating: 2/10, would only work as the plot to a Hollywood film. Depicts the west as being entirely external to the situation rather than being in the centre of it all, and Russia just being irrationally evil and vain.

very simplistic but true, he wrotes articles years ago about ukrainian being russian in the end and that they should be part of russia again.

this is true, but after 2014 we have strong pro russian support only in Donbass and Crimea. They should had accept new government for their own good, and it's not like Kyiv pushed "globohomo" on them, even after 2014 they still could elect their "pro-russian" parties. You can't just secede from a country and call yourself a russian because you just don't like election results.

but you have literally done that yourself
what else is there left to destroy?

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yeah ending the bloodshed of 50 people dead every year with 50k+ deads in 3 months. typical russian efficiency

Go back.

You are either an imbecile, a coward or a traitor.

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Yeah, this one's going in my pseud collection

Ukraine is not a real nation and never was a real nation, it’s just a piece of Russian empire that somehow gained independence thanks to soviets. Referencing to them as nation is idiotic.
Russia itself is not a nation either, it’s a multinational country similar to India and China.

The problem were always “people” who tried to build a nation state out of Ukraine, to keep the land and stuff in this land for themselves and to rule over it like kings. In the current realities the said Ukrainian elites have no choice but to ask the west for help and simp for it because over here the only thing their will get is a firing squad or tea laced with poison. They did too much shit that was simply wrong.

>What happened
Russia invaded them twice. Putin created a new Ukrainian national identity and drove a wedge between the two countries for all eternity. Ukraine will now forever the the anti-Russia

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why don't Ukraine just release the eastern half as a free state? People from the eastern Ukraine don't want anything to do with the Kiev neonazi regime and want to be close to Russia instead.
You know, South Sudan is a thing. They split apart after a civil war too.

you shut down your power plants, you're not making the transition to 100% renewable electricity anytime soon.

Sweden barely uses any gas, but we have hydro, nuclear and wind, and we still have energy issues due to imbalances in electricty production because retards shut down nuclear power plants in the south.

now they're frantically looking to rebuild nuclear (which will take like 50 years)

The Ukraine invaded Donbass after the fake coup staged by America.

Ukraine can't invade their own country, they tried to get back what Russian-armed terrorists have stolen

Donbass wasn't a part of Ukraine by the time Ukraine invaded. It was independent.

That's not how it works. Not a single country besides Russia recognized their "independence"

Not only Russia recognizes LPR and DPR. Plus literally no one in the breakaway republics wants to go back to Ukraine.

>Not only Russia recognizes LPR and DPR.
Who else? Abkhazia and other unrecognized mini puppets of Russia?

>literally no one in the breakaway republics wants to go back to Ukraine.
Yeah what about me?

see wikiless.org/wiki/International_recognition_of_the_Donetsk_People's_Republic_and_the_Luhansk_People's_Republic?lang=en

So only Russia and Syria? lmfao

>Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine were not Ukraine by the time Ukraine invaded

That's good for the starters. You don't expect some gay countries like America and its 33 client states in the EU to recognize LDPR, do you?

>regions of Ukraine
Gigantic cope. LDPR are independent.

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Oh yeah Russia recognized them 5 months ago, before that it was "Ukraine's internal business, those are not our soldiers, those are not our tanks" goddamn you dumb fuck

>That's good for the starters
No it's not

Yep Russia played it smart.

Lying is not smart, now they are rogue state like Iran and considering that everyone abandoning hydrocarbons right now, a rogue state with no future
Bravo Putin

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> Not a single country besides Russia recognized their "independence"
Public opinion is really irrelevant. You don’t have to be “recognized” by many people to be someone. You can simply be.

This also works in real life by the way. You don’t need to be liked by loads of people to consider yourself a good person. All you need to do is simply love yourself. And it’s easy.

>Public opinion is really irrelevant. You don’t have to be “recognized” by many people to be someone. You can simply be.
You have no clue about international law. Chechnya for example can't just declare independence and claim to be an actual without anyone recognizing it. When they tried it you attacked them, but when Ukraine does the same in Donbass it's somehow bad

International law does not exist, stop kicking a dead horse. It was never a thing and it will never be a thing. The only shit that matters is that those countries who can protect their sovereignty economically and militarily get to rule over those who cannot.

Why is Donbass allowed to be independent but not Chechnya? What is the difference?

Anglosaxons, obviously.

nothing happend
everyone could just go home

Stop barking spicdog and get beheaded by the local cartel you subuman. Russia will never invest in your 3rd world shithole

Because Donbass is supported by a nuclear superpower, Chechnya was curbstomped by the same superpower.
This is how it works. It’s decided post factum not BEFORE.
Chechnya was too weak and gave up.

International law doesn't revolve around your cheap gas station of a country. There is no difference in either of the two situations

couldnt you choose less retarded proxy?

I already told you international law does not exist in principle. It’s an artificial concept just like the concept of a “nation”, or “social class”.
None of these things are real, they don’t exist in the material sense.

Because you say so?

No. Because you cannot physically touch them. It’s virtual.
The borders of countries are real for instance. There is usually a fence there and it’s patrolled.

>The borders of countries are real for instance. There is usually a fence there and it’s patrolled.
Maybe in totalitarian shitholes like Russia but not here.

This means there are no borders, dingus. It means that EU is functionally one interconnected thing.

>People wanted better life
>better life is partnership with EU
>free market, low corruption, democratic society, all the good stuff
>country ruled by corrupt bydlo ZEK who was more pro Russian than former
>a lot of protests
>but most people (especially young ones) were okay with him because he continued path towards EU and increased cooperation with it
>weekly reforms to fight corruption, unfree market promote democratic values are accepted, in order to sign association treaty with EU in November
>Russia periodically chimps out, bans Ukrainian products, says that joining EU will be a mistake and that we should join them in their trade league "Tamozheny Soyuz"
>that stuff is made out of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and some other corrupt states
>suddenly, in less than a month before that association treaty meeting, Government does 180 and says that joining Russia will be better and EU "has them gays 'n shit"
>people go on a massive protest to show their disagreement
>state unleashes Berkut who beats up those mostly students to near death
>protest increases
>Russia gives 15 billion loan to Yanik and shows protesters as some Nazi terrorists
>protesters become more radical
>"Berkut" becomes more aggressive
>conflict becomes bloodier because now those students joined by people who have Yanik
>protesters now say that Yanukovich must leave his president seat and new elections should be held
>fast forward to February
>Yanukovich runs away
>Putin who have been very vocal against "Euromaidan" chimps out and invades Crimea
rest of the story you know

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You have an utterly retarded view of the world.

>joined by people who hate Yanik

I'm lmaoing, sven.

>what happened

Historically? U did

No. You have.
Germany as it stands right now is not a sovereign state, it’s more like a province of EU.
The lack of physical borders is not a sign of freedom or liberty it’s a symptom of being confined into some bigger entity. You are dependent on other EU “countries” just like they are dependent on you.