You if could exterminate one race which one would it be

Me personally, I’d have to choose muslims

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white "people"


one race, the human race.

white liberal npcs

Muslims aren't a race, retard. For me it would be Jews

As a white man, honestly i'd have to say white people.We have cause so much pain and suffering for lgbt+ and bipoc.

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Based. They are all just different breeds of cockroaches.


probably abos

Filipinos, because they are my bosses and coworkers and the wold would be better off without Chinese Mexicans


Muslims aren't a race you retarded fucking brain dead idiot. You deserve to be beheaded and your corpse set on fire and your ashes fed to dogs for being so retarded

If you’re not trolling kill you’re self right now

Muslims aren’t a race you fucking braindead retard

Poor people

Are you having a chimp out nigger

Muslim isn’t a race

i chose indians
not because theyre bad in any way
i just cant fathom the suffering of living as an indian and i want to end their suffering

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>If you’re not trolling

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Having a chimp out nigger

>falling for this weak bait

now that we're done with the pleasantries, how about you sauce me on the OP pic?

Is Muslim a race?

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Northern Europeans. Gets rid of Ashkenazi Jews, Anglos and Germans in one swoop.

Jews, how is this even a question?